Chapter 2

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Torin walks up to his parents' house. Eva's room is locked and he decides to walk around the house and see if he can look inside. Her French doors on the patio are open and the lights are on, but before he can enter, he sees her sitting at the fountain in an evening dress. "So this is how ye fake a migraine...sits in the dark all alone at a fountain, dressed in a stunning dress..." She doesn't even look up or turns around to face him. He walks around and sits on the steps of the fountain. "Eva look at ken if ye need tae talk I'll listen." When she doesn't respond he leans forward and lifts her chin, but she pulls away. He immediately sees the tears glistening on her cheeks and he becomes extremely angry. "Och hell nae, ye arnae gaun tae sit here crying and feeling sorry for yersel the whole night. Cam..." He grabs her hand and drags her into her room. "Now gae clean up yer face, fix the damage ye hav done tae yer make-up. We're gaun out." She looks at him uncertainly. "But my Mom said..." He walks towards her, grabs her face in his hands, and wipes her tears with his thumbs. "Fuck yer Mom and her stupidity and hatefulness. I said we're gaun out. Ye hav got five minutes or I take ye out just as ye ar." He pushes her towards the bathroom. She washes her face and fixes her make-up in two minutes.

When she comes out of the bathroom Torin is laying on her bed, hands behind his head, eyes closed

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When she comes out of the bathroom Torin is laying on her bed, hands behind his head, eyes closed. He opens his eyes and look at her. Studying her from head to toe, so intense that she feels herself turning red. "Is um... is there something wrong?" He comes up on his elbow and gives a cheeky grin. "Well except for having yer teacher in yer bed, then nae there's naething wrong. Let's gae." They went out at the French doors. He locks it and slides the key into his pocket. He takes her hand and starts to run with her to the garages at the big manor. They laugh like little kids when they are speeding away in his black Porche. "Wow I havnae had fun like this since college." She looks at him and sees the care free look on his face. He really is one of the most attractive guys she knows. "Where ar we gaun?" He looks at her and chuckles. "Ye wait until ye ar in a man's moving car and then want tae ken where he's taking ye. Isn't it a wee bit too late tae start worrying now?" She doesn't know what to say and frowns. He laughs aloud. "Hey, stop that frown, ye should ken ye ar save with me, always. We're gaun tae eat something and then we're gaun tae a club." Now she worries. She hates crowded places and she has never been to a club. Fat girls like her don't go clubbing. " ken I'm nae eighteen yet?" He just laughs before he answers. " willnae believe it Eva, but I'm very aware of that, but dinnae fash yoursel, I know the club's owner." He takes her to a little fancy restaurant where the people obviously know him well, because they get a table immediately. It's a romantic place and all the tables are very private. He orders a good red wine and even allows her a glass. "Ye ar not a baby Eva, I dinnae think a glass or two will corrupt ye. So what dae ye want tae eat?" He sees her hesitate and he gets annoyed. "Ye and I need tae talk... openly... starting with yer food issues. I dinnae care if ye like good food...I dinnae want ye tae eat a salad if ye prefer a steak and chips...I would like for ye tae pick whatever ye are in the mood for and damm well enjoy eating it." She blushes and looks away, but he's not going to have any of that. "Look at me when I talk tae ye Eva. Pick yer food...we'll talk aboot this later." They both decide on a thick juicy steak and chips with a Greek salad they are sharing. He starts to talk about their siblings and she realizes for the first time that Mira and Seth have a bit of history. "I tell ye this Eva, so ye ken what's gaun on, but ye better nae say anything tae yer Mother. She will try tae stop Seth from pursuing Mira and I personally think they are meant for each other. Nae parent should choose his or her bairn's career or life mate. Talking about careers whit ar ye planning tae dae next year? Hav ye applied tae any college yet?" She shakes her head. "I wish my Mother could hear ye now. She will have a fit. She chose both my sister's careers and lucky for Morgan she fell in love with Peter without my Mother's meddling and as ye ken he is one of the very important Mackensies with a title. Therefore, Mother is extremely happy aboot that. Now she just wants Mira tae marry Baine so she can have another important family connected tae the very prestigious Blackhood family." Eva is on a roll now and Torin decides to let her talk her heart out for a change. Maybe he would get a chance to get to the problem behind her sad eyes. "It's just a shame she gave me such a hideous name. It willnae even help me tae get married one day. It willnae take away a name like Evanora. I sometimes wonder if she knew I would be a hideous, ugly fat brat, that's why she named me after the hideous witch Evanora. She's gaun tae have a fit one of these days when I tell her I'm nae gaun tae a college and havnae applied tae any of them. I'm nae even sure what I want tae dae with my life yet." He cannot believe she just called herself a hideous ugly fat brat. Eva has many issues. "Ye listen tae me Eva, I'm only gaun tae say this once. Ye ar a beautiful very smart young woman. There is naething hideous or ugly aboot ye and ye ar plus size nae fat. Who the hell told ye that ye are ugly and hidious?" She doesn't answer him. "Those stupid skinny bitches at school? Ye should never listen tae them, they ar nobodies who ken naething aboot life. In addition, aboot yer name, I love yer name, it's so unique. There's nae one person in yer school that has the same name as ye. It's nae like ye hav tae share yer name with all the Mary's and Jane's and Tanya's and Sandra's." She just nods and finishes her food. After dessert, they leave for the club. Eva is scared and worried. She doesn't know what to expect and she suddenly shivers and mumbles under her breath but Torin hears her. "I'm so dead tonight I can just as well enjoy my last hours on earth..." He chuckles and takes her hand in his before he walks up to the doors of a very exclusive club. "Relax Eva yer Mother willnae even ken that we're out or in a club. I dinnae think it's her or her snobbish friend's kind of scene." They are let inside by a bulk of a man. A friendly giant that greets Torin like an old friend. "Hey Torin how's that horrible twin of yer daein and who's this lovely creature with ye?" Torin laughs and pulls Eva into his side with his arm around her shoulder. "Hiya Max my auld mukker. Hou ar ye? Ye ken Seth, still chasing the same girl, daein his modeling, enjoying life tae the fullest. This is my friend Eva. Eva this is Max, one of my oldest friends, if ye ar ever in trouble Max is the man tae cam tae." She smiles shyly. "Hiya Max, glad tae meet ye." Max smiles broadly, a real toothy smile. "Och, the pleasure is all mine lass. It's as Torin says, if I ever can be of help tae ye, never hesitate tae ask. Here take my card. A friend of Torin's is definitely a friend of mine." She takes the card and put it in her clutch bag before they enter the posh establishment. Torin is well known here too and they enter a VIP area with a not so crowded dance floor. He asks what she would like to drink and she only asks for a soda. They sit down in a little booth after he greeted some friends and their two sodas arrive still in two closed bottles with two glasses. "Lesson number 1 Eva-lass, never get into a car with a man that you dinnae ken or who prefers alcohol tae soda. Lesson number 2 never take a drink from anyone even someone ye ken very well if it's opened already and never leave yer drink unattended even for a split second. It takes but a split second for a person tae put a date rape drug into yer drink." She nods and he decides they will dance a bit before they open their sodas. She leaves her bag with their drinks and he takes her to the dance floor. Eva's a bit self-conscious, hesitant and stiff at first but Torin won't have any of that. " I want ye tae relax Eva, I dinnae bite. Just enjoy the dance, forget that I'm yer teacher and forget aboot the other people. Imagine them as naked in yer mind, and then they willnae bother ye anymore." She gradually relaxes and they dance a few dances before they sit down to drink their soda. From there on, they laughed and enjoyed themselves until almost midnight. Back at the Manor the party is still in full swing so he slips into the garage and they run for the smaller Manor house of his parents', not realizing they are watched. At her room's French doors, he unlocks the door and turns to her. "Eva I want ye tae ken that if ye ever need tae talk, ye just hav tae cam tae me. If ye cannae talk tae me or are afraid someone will have something tae say about it, text me and tell me and I'll meet ye somewhere. I promise that everything ye tell me will stay between the two of us. Any problem Eva, and I mean anything, at all, not just tae talk, but if ye need help or guidance with anything, I'm here for ye lass. If yer Mother should ask aboot where ye were tonight, just tell her ye took something for yer headache and dinnae hear her knocking. Ye should learn tae stand up for yersel Eva. When ye turn eighteen, she doesnae have a say aboot yer choices anymore. So think hard aboot whit ye want tae dae with yer life. See ye around Eva, sweet dreams." To her utter shock, he kisses her on her forehead, turns around and walks away to the big Manor.

When he enters the Manor, someone grabs him and pulls him into another room across from the stairs. "So havna lost yer marbles and deflowered the Scottish lassy, did ye?" Upon hearing his twin's voice Torin starts to laugh. "Nae ye rogue, I havna tell ye I'm nae like ye. I wonder what her Mamma will dae if she ken what I ken aboot her two eldest little darlings." He gets a blow in his ribs from Seth. "Ye better 'haud yer wheesht (shut-up) aboot that. Nae one ken the story of Mira and me in high school and it better stays that way. We we're young, stupid and in love and we can only thenk our lucky stars that she dinnae get with child during the time we fooled around behind everyone's backs." He pores them each a drink and they sit on two big stuffed chairs. "Ye ken I saw ye two leaving the garage and followed ye. Ye kissed her on the patio a few moments ago. Dae ye think it's wise?" Torin looks guilty but also a bit angry. "It was only on her forehead, she's still my student Seth, I'm nae totally stupid, but she needs help. That Mother of hers and Morgan ar damm witches." Seth gives a humorless laugh. "D'ye think I dinnae ken that after my past with Mira?" Torin frowns. "Then I cannae understand how ye could leave Mira in her Mother's clutches just like that after school and gae off tae Europe." Seth looks guilty but he shakes his head. "I gave her a choice Torin. I asked her tae gae away with me tae Europe and she made her choice tae stay and study the course her Mother chose for her. I ken she wanted tae dae modeling and after my first year, I came back with an offer for her from my own agent. She declined the offer and me. So yeah, I decided that I'm only gaun tae be made a fool by her twice." Torin punches Seth a hard one in the chest. "Ye're only a fool if ye let her marry that asshole while ye ken how she feels aboot ye. Fuck Seth, dinnae be a douche...fight for the woman ye love. Ye never were a quitter or a coward and I willnae believe that ye hav becam either of the two now." He leaves Seth to think about that and slips out to his room. Before he can go up the stairs, he sees Mira coming out of the big hall. She looks a bit off and he stops in his tracks. "Everything okay Mira?" She looks worried. "Yes I hope so. I was back tae the Dower manor earlier tae see if Evie is okay, but Evie doesnae answer. I'm worried aboot her Torin. My Mother is breaking her self-esteem at every turn. Even withholding food if Evie dinnae dae as she is told, that's why food is such an issue for Evie. She's depressed and I think there's something wrong with her health. I'm certain she went tae bed without food tonight." He smiles reassuringly at Mira. "Nae, Eva is fine Mira. Dinnae tell yer Mother though, but Eva was with me the whole evening. I made sure she ate and that she's okay." Mira looks at him and scrunch her eyes. "Torin if ye hurt my baby sister, I swear I'll cam after ye with everything I have..." He holds his hands up. "Dinnae fash yersel Mira, she is one of my students and I'm worried aboot her myself. I dinnae lay a hand on her if that's what ye ar worried aboot. Maybe ye should leave Eva for me and start looking around ye. There's another person around that doesnae seems as if he needs ye, but in fact, he does. He's struggling while ye throw away both of yer lifes with yer hanging onto Mommy's apron. I'm sorry but ye're making a big mistake if ye marry Baine. Ye're never gaun tae be happy with Baine. He's so passionless, does he ever kisses ye like there's nae tomorrow, does he ever makes ye feel as if ye cannae live without him, does he ever makes ye feel as if ye want tae be with him and only him for days on end...does he ever comes tae visit for nae reason at all but because he cannae wait tae be alone with ye, does he makes love tae ye as if ye're the only woman on earth? If any of that answers are nae, then ye're nae with the right man...then the right man is in there drinking and sulking about ye." As a hint, he looks over his shoulder at the door across the stairs and then storms up the stairs. Just before he turns on the landing, he sees her entering the room where his brother is and he smiles knowingly. Gotcha little Mira.

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