Chapter Three: What The Hell Is Happening?

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(The camera returns to Story!Lizzy, who is sitting in a fancy chair and stroking the book like a cat.)

Story!Lizzy: (Still stroking the book; looks at the camera) Welcome back my dear readers. I do hope you enjoyed the story.

Also Story!Lizzy?!?: (Breaking glass is heard and Story!Lizzy runs into frame) Who the hell are you!

Not Story!Lizzy?: (Sets the book down and stands up) Why, I'm Story!Lizzy. And who might you be?

Also Not Story!Lizzy?!?: No, I'm Story!Lizzy!

Not Not Story!Lizzy?: Hm... I'm afraid you must be mistaken. I'm Story!Lizzy.

Not A1so @lso $1&%"!:&'3/: (Summoned a toaster) Enough! (Smashes toaster over Not Lizzy's head)

^£[+\![=~&0: (Falls unconscious)

ƙДἶ: (Walks into the frame; looks confused) Hey Story!Lizzy what was that- (See the two Lizzy's) What the hell is going on? (Looks somewhere offscreen) And what did you do to our display? What happened to our names?

$t0R¥!71żż¥: (Shrugs) Well I left to go find my soul and when I came back this person that looked exactly like me was hold the book. So I knocked them out.

ƙДἶ: (Stares open mouthed) Uh... okay?

ム几໓ノპ: (Not Story!Lizzy suddenly shifts into Andie... who is totally not holding a suspicious rag... nope...) Hey guys, why are you looking at me like that?

$t0R¥!71żż¥: (Blankly stares at Andie)

ƙДἶ: H-how- (pauses before muttering to herself) Calm down Kai, this isn't the weirdest thing you've seen... (speaking louder; addressing Andie) What are you doing here Andie?

ム几໓ノპ: Hmm? Oh, I just came to pick something up...

ƙДἶ: And that something was...?

(Andie proceeds to cover Story!Lizzy's mouth with the suspicious rag in order to knock her out. She then grabs the camera and the book from her unconscious body.)

ƙДἶ: (Stares wide eyed) I uh... Where... Where'd you get the chloroform

ム几໓ノპ: Chloro-what now?

ƙДἶ: What did you use to knock her out?

ム几໓ノპ: My favorite perfume! Chicken Permission!

(Andie pauses as a look of realisation spreads across her face)

ム几໓ノპ: (She lookes at Kai; whispering) You know too much. (She grabs the toaster and knocks Kai out)


I was humming a random tune as I listened to the news broadcast. They were talking about a string of random and suspicious deaths that were happening in a couple of days. Something about kittens and over a dozen dead, I don't quite remember.

That kinda sounds like one of those ani-whatever that Kai's always talking about... where are Kai and Lizzy anyway? Hmm.... I should find them!

I gathered my things before skipping out of the house. People kept giving me odd glances... but who cares! I continued to skip down the street humming as I went. Soon I found Kai standing it the middle of the sidewalk. She looked worried... or is that scared? Who knows! Once I saw Kai though I sprinted at her and tackled her into a hug.

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