Chapter π: I Like Pie

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ム几໓ノპ: (Looking directly at the camera) Did you know? Pumpkin pie was first introduced to the holiday table at the pilgrim's second Thanksgiving in 1623.

ƙДἶ: Andie... what are you doing?

ム几໓ノპ: (Summons a pie) Or, how about that 9% Americans who prefer to eat their pie crust-first.

ƙДἶ: Seriously, what are you doing?

ム几໓ノპ: (Throws pie at Kai) Oh! The Ancient Egyptians around 2,500BC are known to have eaten pies made with ground oats or wheat wrapped around a filling of honey or figs.

ƙДἶ: (Wiping the pie off of her face) Dammit! What the hell, Andie?

ム几໓ノპ: (Ignoring Kai) Did you know that Boston cream pie is a cake, not a pie?

ƙДἶ: (Runs towards Andie) Andie!

ム几໓ノპ: (Speaking really fast as she runs away) And that's all the time we have folks. Now, back to your regularly scheduled program. (Runs off screen) Kai, please don't kill me!

ƙДἶ: (Following Andie) Get back here!

ム几໓ノპ: (Shouting off screen) Hey, Kai, be careful there's-

ƙДἶ: (Screams)

(A thudding sound is heard)

ム几໓ノპ: Oh... that's gotta hurt.

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