11 | see you around

Start from the beginning

Evelynn rung out the rag as she eyed his hand with a screw through it, "I'll need to get Clarke to take that out."

The Grounder began to back away from her, grunting again. His hand clamped over the screw and his eyes trembled with fear.

Evelynn was shocked, she took a tiny step closer to him, "You can understand me?"

She watched him closely, he really was comprehending her words. She smirked, "And you don't like Clarke very much, do you?"

The Grounder's face lit up for a split second. Evelynn smiled at him, "I'm guessing you don't like Bellamy either?"

The Grounder shook his head without hesitation. This made Evelynn laugh, "Yeah, I didn't like him at first either."

She let her smile stay on her lips as she watched the man in front of her watch her wearily.

"My name is Evelynn, by the way."

His mouth opened and closed a couple times, as if trying to form words, but wasn't sure if he wanted to speak.

Evelynn tossed the bloody rag back into the bucket of water and then moved to sit, the Grounder's eyes following her as she crossed the room.

They watched each other, a sort of mutual sympathy, a bond made through their eyes.

Evelynn was struck with a pang of guilt.

They captured him, tied him up, and tortured him, but he was just as much human as they were.

"You're going to be okay. I won't let them kill you."

»»————- ★ ————-««

Bellamy left the dropship and walked through their camp which was nearly done being rebuilt. He weaved his way through delinquents and stations, shouting orders every so often.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw someone stumble and drop a pile of firewood. He spun around to yell at them, but realized it was Evelynn.

"Why are you on firewood duty?" He demanded. Clarke was hesitant to let her even help around camp with her healing wound, but she made it very clear that she wasn't supposed to carry anything.

"So I can build a fire before we all freeze," Evelynn rolled her eyes at him, gathering the wood back into her arms.

Bellamy smirked as he took the firewood from her arms. Evelynn attempted to protest, but Bellamy ignored her and brought the wood to the fire pit for her.

"You need to be resting you arm, not using it."

Evelynn let her head fall back dramatically as she groaned, then she looked to him and pouted, "I just wanted a fire. It's so cold."

Bellamy nearly facepalmed. Evelynn stood in front of him in her tank top, her arms completely exposed, other than her bandaged left arm. Her whole body was shivering and her lips were turning blue as her teeth chattered profusely.

"Where's you jacket, dumbass?"

"Language." Evelynn jokingly chastised, like he liked to do to her.

"Fine." Bellamy gloated, "Where's your jacket, crazy?"

Evelynn placed her hand on her hips, "It was ruined and covered in blood. Ring a bell?"

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