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I blinked my eyes repeatedly to adjust to the light. The gigantic room was crowded with people wearing gowns and formal suits tainted with red. Women and children were crying at the corners and the men were wounded. The guards stayed at Gabriel's side but the amount of the guards that were gone were evident.

"Dee?" Someone whispered from beside me.

"Tony," I said as he helped me sit up.

When I was finally sitting upright, he crushed me in a hug, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

I put my arms around him with uncertainty, "What are you talking about? You did nothing wrong."

He shook his head as he still hugged me, "No, it's all my fault. All this is my fault."

"What exactly is your fault?" I asked him.

"The attack," he whispered softly, "I'm really sorry."

My eyes widened, "What do you mean?" I asked and pulled away. I stared at him through his eyes as I expected for an answer.

"The child who died," he said, "everyone who died was my fault."

I held him the shoulders and stared intensely at him, "Explain. Now."

"I-I talked to the palace staff. The ones who were still loyal. I told them to ambush the ceremony. T-They agreed," he shook his head as more tears from his eyes fell, "I-I told them to shoot Gabriel. Then I'll do the rest. I never knew it'd go out of hand."

I stared at him in disbelief, "W-Wait. You mean, the ones who attacked us were palace guards?"

He nodded, "I'm really sorry. Please forgive me."

"Tony," I called his name, "you killed a lot of people."

"I didn't mean it!" He contrasted.

I shook my head, "Even so. You should've thought more of this. Thea died because of your foolish plan. What would her family say?! She was a kid, Tony. A child. " My own tears fell as I recalled what happened earlier.

How could he make a plan without considering everything?

"I-I'm sorry. Please believe me when I say that I didn't do it on purpose," he pleaded.

I turned away and stared at the opposite direction, refusing to look at him. When he figured that I wouldn't reply, he sighed and said, "Talk to me when you're okay."

When he walked away, I looked back to him, almost telling him to stay, but I controlled myself. His back was facing me and it hurt me when he didn't even glance back.

I took a deep breath to calm down. It wasn't directly his fault but he still took part in it. Was he that desperate to retake his kingdom?

"Miss," called a gruffly voice behind me.

When I turned to look at him, I replied in a groggy voice, "Yes?"

The guard pointed to the exit, "It is already safe to leave. Please move out quietly."

I nodded and stood up slowly so I wouldn't stumble. When I was upright, my head felt a little dizzy but I managed to walk to the exit without making cartwheels.

We exited in a single line and I saw Thea's sister at the front crying her heart out. My heart throbbed at the sight. It hurt more when I noticed all the bloodshot eyes around me.

I walked absentmindedly forward out the exit but the guard blocked my way.

"Code?" He asked.

I snapped back to reality and asked, "What?"

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