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Denisse looked at us with calculating eyes. I quickly let go of Tony's hand and kelt it to myself without looking at her in the eye.

"You should know that you aren't allowed to date unless we say so," Denisse stated.

I pursed my lips and nodded. Denisse sighed and turned on her heel.

"Follow me," she said and walked back to the elevator.

I was a little disappointed at her reaction. I expected a compliment or a statement on my hair, but why did I even expect? Of course she'd act like nothing was new.

I sighed and followed the older girl to the elevator. Once again, we used the silver one, but unlike before, there were other people there. Namely, three girls.

The girls were laughing when we saw them. They were all extremely beautiful. The tallest one of them had dark blue hair. The one in the middle had red hair. The other one had silver hair.

"Girls," Denisse greeted.

The three girls looked at us and immediately bowed to Denisse.

"What brings you here, Denisse?" The red head asked.

Denisse smiled. Like actually smiled. I was probably so surprised that my jaw dropped.

"Can't I use the elevator now, Charmaine?" She asked.

Charmaine laughed and shook her head, "Of course you can!"

The silver haired one put an arm around Denisse's shoulder and walked her inside the elevator, "Where are you going?" She asked.

"We were going to the dance studios. Good timing too," Denisse said and pulled me in front of the silver haired girl, "This is Sophie. She's a new member of the Muses. Lead her to their practice room. It would be a big help."

The silver haired girl smiled at me and engulfed me in a hug, "Welcome to showbiz, Sophie!"

I might have looked confused since the blue haired girl, Charmaine, Tony, and Denisse were stifling a laugh.

"Oh, um . . . Thanks?" I said with uncertainty.

She grinned widely and held out her hand, "I'm Ayumi."

Ayumi? Why does that name sound familiar?

I shook her hand and gave her a smile, "I'm Sophie."

"I know," she said and giggled.

I blushed. Right. She already mentioned it. The sound of a bell was heard.

"Here we are," Denisse stated, "I'll leave Sophie to your care, girls." The doors slid open, "Haris. Follow me."

Denisse and "Haris" left without another word. Although he did spare me one last glance before leaving.

Ayumi clapped her hands, "So! Come on! Let's meet your groupmates!"

The one with the red hair—Charmaine—linked her arm through my right arm while Ayumi took my other arm.

The silver haired girl grinned and pointed her arm onwards, "Let's go!"

Together, Charmaine and Ayumi pulled me away while the blue haired girl just sighed and shook her head at her teammates.

We surged forward in a T formation. Beside me Charmaine and Ayumi hummed the same song as we walked. The girl behind me was quiet and was walking slowly, unlike her two teammates who looked like they were full of energy.

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