The End Part 2

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So I'm also going to have a vote for the final part! So vote here for





(Jerome's POV) I called 911 instantly. Within minutes the ambulance was here and Mitch was on a stretcher being carried away. I got in the ambulance with him and road down to the hospital. They ran some tests on him and they said he would be fine. It was probably just an animal that got in the house.

Mitch woke up an hour later confused and scared.

"J-Jerome? W-where am I? Where is everyone else? Is Kitten alright? Is it coming for our family?" He stuttered. "Mitch. Is what coming for our family?" "Th-the ghost." He said. "What ghost?" "There was a ghost in the house and it did this to me." He said. "Mitch are you sure?" I asked concerned. "Yes. It was male. And it had purple eyes. And a cloak that was purple." He rambled on.

"It sounds like Seto is haunting you." I suggested.

"Oh man. I was the one who requested for the potions to allow children. I am the one that caused him to die!" Mitch said. "Mitch don't you say that! It wasn't your fault! He just screwed up the potion. It's his fault he's gone." I said.

And with that, Mitch relaxed.

"What just happened Mitch?" I asked. "He forgave me." He smiled. "Well that's good!" "You helped!" "Nah. It was nothing." I said. "When can I leave?" He asked, eager to leave. "They said you have to get stitches on your chest." I said sadly.

"Mitchell Aceti?" A nurse asked. "It's time for stitches."

(Adam's POV) I knew I was dreaming but it was a omen. Jason came to me and told me to find a girl so Dillon can at least say he has a mother. Jason wants Dillon and I to be happy. But I will forever love Jason. Dillon does need a supporting mother.

I went onto the computer.

I found this website for dating and started making my profile. Dillon walked into my room and came over to where I was sitting. "Looking for a new mom for me?" He asked. "I guess." I said. "Are you sure you're ready to remarry?" He asked. "Yes I am sure. Plus Jason came to me and told me you deserve a mother."

Dillon smiled. "You positive?" "Yep."

I finished off my account and made it.

We need someone for Adam!


Age: (Adam's 22 I think)



See ya soon! -Bear

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