Chapter 26

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Hey all, here's your next chapter! To be honest, it wouldn't have been finished today, but I've had a hard day filled with verbal abuse and stress, so I've been stress typing, as that's my release. That's probably also why this chapter turned out the way it did hahaha *hides* Thanks for all the votes and people adding this story to reading lists, as well as to EmmaLove0407 and Amy290 for commenting!


Chapter 26

Anamika had been gone for about two and a half hours and, after checking in with Alexandria using her long range radio, she decided she had enough time to make one more stop on the way back. She vaguely remembered seeing a barn in the distance while she, Daryl and Rick had been running after Jesus and their supply van and the area it had been in wasn't too far out of her way. Leaving the waterlogged van behind, Anamika hummed as she drove the truck to where she remembered the barn being, in high spirits despite her sopping wet clothes.

It wasn't more than fifteen minutes before she saw the structure in the distance and she smiled to herself, hopeful that she'd find something good there. Parking in front of the barn doors, her spirits fell slightly as she saw the doors wide open, but decided to try her luck nonetheless.

Checking the surrounding areas and seeing only one walker in the distance, she decided it looked safe enough. Sliding her machete from her sheath, she crept to the open doors, pretty sure there would be no walkers inside, as the sound of her truck would have lured them out, but not willing to take any chances.

Peeking into the gloomy interior of the barn, she saw lots of hay stacks standing around the sides of the barn and a ladder on the left that lead to the second floor, but other than that, it seemed deserted. She entered cautiously, her eyes darting around until she made sure that there was nothing there. The smell of mildew and rotten vegetation filled her nose and she grimaced, eyeing the old wooden walls dubiously. Just as she was about to give it up as a bust, she saw a gas can in the far corner, wedged behind some of the haystacks. Coming closer, she peered around the haystacks and saw to her surprise several gas containers, not just the one.

Excitement thrummed through her as she sheathed her machete, carefully, climbing onto the haystacks after poking them to make sure they were stable. The first gas drum was empty, as was the second one, but she struck gold with the third one. Giving it a shove, the gas caddy barely moved and a grin lit up her face. It looked to contain around 25-30 gallons of gas, if she could take a guess and she saw three more caddies and two other drums behind it. Nudging them all, she was ecstatic to feel they were all full or at least close to full and the sound of the sloshing liquid inside was like music to her ears.

Climbing down, she started the task of shifting the hay bales out of the way, so that she had easy access to the gas canisters behind them. Sweat was pouring down her back by the time she moved them all, along with the two empty gas barrels, out of the way. Hands on her hips, Anamika tilted her head as she regarded the various containers of gas contemplatively.

Her throat was scratchy from all the panting she did and her muscles trembled finely and she grudgingly admitted she wasn't as fit as she used to be before Alexandria. It would be easy to get the gas caddies to the car, as they had wheels, and she could just roll the gas drums to the car as well, but she admitted that she was tired and would prefer not to struggle with the heavy gas drums too much.

Making up her mind, she walked out to her truck, climbing in and starting it, before she carefully reversed it into the barn, as close to the gas cans as possible. Seeing as some of those cans weigh almost 200 pounds, she wanted them as close to the truck as possible. Starting with the gas caddies, as they were the easiest to move, she wheeled them closer, making sure that there was enough space in the back of the truck that she could easily fit them.

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