Chapter 18

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Another chapter, here's to hoping you guys enjoy it! It's one of those filler chapters that focus on development, so is it really a filler chapter then?  

Anyways, Enjoy!

Chapter 18

Anamika pursed her lips as she regarded the general goods store in front of her. Carl was next to her, his breathing quiet as his eyes stayed alert. Daryl had gone off to hunt today and Anamika had declined going with, a shocking decision considering she had been spending every spare second with Daryl the last two weeks.

However, Carl had asked her the day before if she could go on a run with him, as his father had agreed as long as either Anamika, Michonne or Daryl accompanied him. Rick was reluctant, but understood that Carl was smart and strong and he could't hover over his shoulder every moment, especially now that Carl was mostly recovered from his injury.

Three, deep scars ran from the corner of his eye and cheek to his ear and into his hairline, twisted and red looking, but healing nicely. There were some smaller scars in between the three biggest ones, but they looked more like scratch marks and would eventually fade to light silvery scars. His eye was slightly stretched where the scars pulled at it, but not enough to be immediately noticeable. Though his vision in that eye was weakened, he had been doing various exercises the past two weeks and now that weakness didn't hold him back anymore.

"So, what were you thinking?"

"Hmm, well, she likes weird art and cats, so maybe we can find some garden accessory or cat-related object inside?" Anamika nodded, as the entire reason they were out here in the first place, was apparently because Michonne's birthday was around this time of year and Carl had wanted to get her something special, since she had done so much for him since he had gotten to know her.

"Alright then, let's get going. Stay on my six, and keep an eye out for walkers." Carl nodded, raising his silenced handgun as Anamika jogged over to the storefront. Glancing around one more time, she knocked on the glass doors and waited, hoping the place wasn't overrun. It took a minute, but finally five walkers slammed against the glass door, their moans reaching the two outside and causing Anamika to grimace in disgust, as one of the walkers were smearing their goo all over the glass.

Motioning for Carl to stand back a bit, she counted down on three fingers, pulling one of the doors open, keeping the glass between her and the walkers. Carl immediately, shot one, calling out to the others and they ignored the silent Anamika, their focus shifting to Carl. Carl backed up as he shot another one and as the last one shuffled past Anamika, she lifted her machete and separated its head from its body. Carl had stopped shooting, afraid to hit Anamika and she quickly and efficiently killed the last two walkers.

Nodding to the boy, she turned and walked into the store, making sure there wasn't another walker lurking about, Carl guarding her back. When she was sure the store was clean, she sheathed her machete.

"Alright, let's go to the garden section and if we can't find anything, we'll check the rest of the store.


Anamika let her young friend take the lead, knowing Carl would know better than her what Michonne would like. She kept a lazy eye out for anything useful, but apparently the store had been looted before, as only useless and broken items remained. Walking down the aisle, she was grateful for the large store windows and glass doors, as it allowed the sunlight to stream in and light up the aisles. Carl still had a flashlight for the dark corners, but overall it wasn't too bad. They looked for a while, but all they could find was some odd garden gnomes and sparkly reindeer statues, which Carl pulled a face at when he saw them. The branched out to the rest of the store, but found nothing of interest.

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