Chapter 17

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update! I have to say, I was kind of sad that not a lot of people seemed to enjoy the Daryl/Anamika chapter, but oh well. That's not to say I'm going to let that do me in and so the next few chapters are all Daryl/Anamika chapters, not based on canon. Hope you guys enjoy the development of their relationship! 


Chapter 17

"Hey Daryl?"

The hunter grunted as he carefully stalked through the foliage and Anamika briefly admired the way his arms flexed as he maneuvered his crossbow through the leaves and branches. She shook her head, ignoring the attraction she felt towards the redneck and continued on her previous line of thought.

"I know about a warehouse nearby that I've been wanting to check out since I arrived in the area and wanted to know if you'd come with me. We can show Rick and the others where the cabin is and then go check out if the warehouse is a viable option for a run. Then, tomorrow morning we can do a proper run, We need some new clothes and medicine, so hopefully we can find some more of those stuff for everyone."

Daryl had stopped walking as her babbling got worse and she finally saw the vaguely bemused expression he wore and her mouth snapped shut. He seemed to be considering it and finally, he nodded.

"Sure. Let's go get Rick, we're almost at Alexandria. We'll go in a separate car, then Rick can take some people and a van to pick up the stuff we found. After we showed them where it is, we'll go with my bike to check out that warehouse."

Anamika nodded and the two walked for another 30 minutes before the familiar walls of Alexandria loomed up before them. Waving to Spencer who was on guard, Daryl and Anamika made their way in, heading straight for where they saw Rick talking to Maggie and Glenn, probably about Maggie's pregnancy, since Glenn had that proud glow and Maggie kept throwing soft glanced towards her still flat tummy.


Their fearless leader turned at Daryl's shout and waited patiently for them to reach him. Daryl wasted no time in explaining the treasure trove they found and Anamika could see the hopeful and pleased gleam in Rick's eyes. However, it was Glenn who spoke up first.

"Rick, I can come along. I know where they keep a van for runs that usually take more than a week, should be more than enough space for everything. Tara is still recovering, and Abraham is working on the construction of the wall, but Carol could probably come, as well as Rosita?"

Rick nodded at Glenn's suggestion, then turned back to Daryl, "We'll meet you guys by the gate in half n hour, we should still have enough time to get there and back before dark, if it's as close as you say."

With that, Rick headed off to prepare, as Glenn headed in the opposite direction to go recruit the people he mentioned. Daryl stalked off, probably to give the turkeys they had caught to Olivia and that left Anamika and Maggie alone together. Pointing awkwardly at her flat belly, Anamika smiled.

"How's it going with the little peanut? Nothing weird so far? All the fighting didn't cause any harm right?"

"No, nothing so far. I mean, I've never been pregnant before, so I'm going off on what I saw when Rick's wife was pregnant and what my dad taught me before, but it all seems good so far."

Anamika nodded, relieved nothing seems amiss, then mused out loud, "I should keep an eye out for prenatal vitamins and such. We still have a few from my stash in my truck, but it wasn't really something I searched for actively."

"That would be great. Any help I can get to make sure my baby gets everything they need is appreciated."

"Of course, little peanut will grow up strong and healthy and with the coolest parents ever and the most kickass aunt!" Maggie laughed, her eyes shining with pride and amusement as she thought about her baby growing up. Anamika felt weirdly happy that she managed to make the woman laugh, as she seemed so serious all the time, not necessarily glum, but focused on rebuilding and as if she was still recovering from a loss. Then again, if the stories Carl told her were true, which she knew them to be, Maggie had lost her father and sister in the span of six months, a blow one cannot simply shake off.

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