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Next chapter is here, sorry for the wait. VERY exciting stuff in this chapter and an important AN at the end, please read it. I hope you guys are satisfied and don't feel like I'm rushing the story? I do have to warn though, that there is a smidge of mature content in this chapter, sorry if it offends anyone. 


Chapter 19

Later that night, Anamika and Daryl sat on the porch of the house they shared with Carol, sharing the bottle of Southern Comfort between them as they celebrated Daryl's first hunt with Excalibur, as Anamika called it while sporting a shit-eating grin. The hunt had been a huge success, Daryl having no trouble with the extra draw weight, as Anamika had thought and they had managed to take down a doe, as well as a few pheasants.

The real luck came when they were on their way back and a boar had charged out of the underbrush in front of them. Daryl wasn't sure who was more surprised when he dropped the doe and raised his crossbow in one smooth move, them or the boar. Before the boar had even had a chance to get close enough to plough into them, a bolt had landed squarely between its eyes, dropping the beast with a loud thud. Daryl took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, allowing the adrenalin to seep from his body as he saw Anamika do the same. His lips twitched when a wide grin split her face and he couldn't help feeling warm as she laughed in excitement.

When Daryl walked into Alexandria's gates, the boar slung across his shoulders while Anamika carried the doe over her shoulders next to him, he could clearly see the excitement the people had as they saw the meat the hunters had brought back. Between today's hunt and the turkeys previously, as well as the cache he and Anamika had found a week before, Alexandria was doing alright in the food department.

Rick had patted Daryl on the shoulder, the grin on his face wide as he looked over their hunt, thanking them and commenting how they seem to produce the best results when working together. Daryl felt he had done a good day's work and was damn near ecstatic with his new crossbow, so when Anamika had come up to him with a shit-eating grin and the bottle of sin in her hand, he had joined her without protest. So here they were, at one in the morning, all alone as Carol had gone to Tobin's for dinner and never returned, just passing the bottle back and forth in a comfortable silence.

A giggle interrupted his quiet thoughts and he looked at his companion, her eyes shining in the moonlight. He admired her for a bit, before he realised that she was staring back at him with a dopey grin on her face. "What?"

"Nothing," she replied, her grin stretching wider, "I just can't remember the last time I drank and was this relaxed. When this all happened, it was a hazard to be drunk and I can't remember drinking before that."

"So wha', you're drunk miss military?" She giggled again and instead of irritating him, he found himself smiling instead, enjoying the sound of her drunken laughter.

"Noooo..." She dragged out the word, before giggling again, swaying slightly and stumbling as she stood up to do who knows what, "Ok, maybe a little bit. You know, I feel safe with you, comfortable, so maybe it's ok for me to be a bit tipsy."

"Woman, you're completely arse over tits drunk. Sit down before you hurt yourself." A burst of laughter escaped her lips and Daryl shifted uncomfortably, her words and laughter causing him to become half hard, a reaction he very much tried to ignore even as her loose sleeping shirt slipped off one shoulder, exposing the creamy skin with some faint silvery scars.

"Ok, whatever you say, my big bad overprotective redneck." His pulse jumped and he swallowed at her drunken ramblings, feeling uncomfortable yet wanting something he wasn't sure he could have, as he followed her efforts to sit back down. As she started to bend down to sit next to him, she overbalanced and started falling, her hands shooting out just as his own did to catch her. After some fumbling and cursing, Daryl wound up finding himself with a lapful of Anamika, her blue eyes dark in the moonlight as she stared at him, her face barely an inch away. His immediate instinct was to flinch away, to push her from him, but the intensity in her gaze had him frozen in place.

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