An Intro From Me

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Hello everyone!

For those of you who have read my other book, welcome back! I'm very excited to be releasing a new book. It's not finished, but I just got the idea one day. It's not the main thing I'm working on right now, so updates might take a bit, but it'll be worth it! But I don't have a regular updating schedule anyways xD. I love hearing your input, so let me know your thoughts as you read! Thanks for checking it out ;). If you're not new to me, you'll notice I've changed my dialogue style and I've ditched chapter names because I really struggled with that xD. That being said, the dialogue or just format in general may not be what's considered "normal", but it's just how I do it. 

This story contains strong language, some sexual content, and slight references to  depression, suicide, and rape. Don't let that scare you off, nothing is too graphic, just letting y'all know :). I'll be putting trigger warning at the beginning of the respective chapters. 

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