Chapter 1

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"Master. It is time for you to wake up. For breakfast today, we have a lightly poached salmon accompanied by a delicate mint salad. I can also offer toast, scones, or pain de campagne." Sebastian says opening up the curtains" Which dish would you care for this morning?"

"A scone" Ciel replies waking up

"Today you have a meeting with Mr. Hughes, the authority on the history of the Roman Empire. And this evening, Mr. Damiano of the Poseidon Company will be paying you a visit" Sebastian told him as he helped him get dressed

"Oh, is that the man I have in charge of stuffed animals at my factory in India?" Ciel questioned

"Yes. I'm told he's Italian. We will of course offer him all the hospitality the estate can provide" Sebastian answered

Ciel picked up his tea "I know this smell. Is this tea Earl Gray?"

"Yes, from Jacksons of Piccadilly" Sebastian says "shall I wake up the young miss now or will you?"

"I will" Ciel replies


Ciel opens the curtains and he hears his little sister whine.

"Still tired?" Ciel questioned walking next to her bed

She sat up and yawned "morning Ciel"

"Good morning Rose" Ciel greeted

Rose sat at her vanity as Ciel brushed through her hair "your hair's gotten longer"

"Has it?" Rose asked looking into the mirror

"Yes" Ciel replies "what dress do you want to wear?"

"It doesn't matter, all the dresses you got for me are beautiful" Rose replies and she does her makeup

"Your too young for makeup" Ciel says taking it out of her hand "lipgloss only"

Rose pouts and does as her big brother says. After getting dressed into a green dress to match her brother, they head down to the dining room. After sitting down Ciel throws a dart at Finny's head.

"Ow! Ow ow ow ow ow ow! What was that for, Master? What did I do?" Funny asked

"Nothing. I don't need to justify my actions" Ciel replies

"Ciel would you teach me how to throw darts?" Rose asked

"One day" Ciel replies "they're too dangerous for you right now, you're only 10"

"But you're only 12" Rose argues

"And I'm your big brother" Ciel says "listen to what I tell you"

Sebastian walked in "Ah there you are! Have you finished weeding the courtyard, Finny? Mey-Rin, have you washed all the beddings? Baldroy, shouldn't you be preparing for tonight's dinner? Tanaka... well, I suppose you're all right as you are.
Now all of you, we have no time for thumb twiddling this morning. So get to work!"

"Yes, sir!" The servants replied and got to work

Sebastian sighed "Simply hopeless"


Later on Ciel and Rose are in the study. Rose sits on the chair next to her brother reading a book while he does paperwork. He then rings a bell calling Sebastian in.

"I'm a bit hungry. I'd like something sweet to eat" Ciel says

"Oh me too" Rose says happily

"You shouldn't eat now, Masters. You don't want to spoil your appetite for dinner with your guest this evening" Sebastian tells them

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