Chapter 9: Justice and the crowning

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A/N this is going to be a long and final I hope you're ready!
Also there is a lot of pictures of dresses etc so please be near wifi when reading this so you can see the beautiful dresses and things I found.

~3 weeks later~

Third POV

Today is the day of all days.
3rd of January.
Is the day the couples get their soulmates back.
It is the day Anthony is put to justice.
It is also the day of one of the biggest weddings of all time.
It is a day where peace will be brought between the Isle of the Lost and Auradon.
The day Mal is crowned queen.
The couples stood there in the ballroom of the castle, most of them gleaming and happy.
They were happy to get their loved ones back, even though they formed a close bond with their last two soulmates.
CJ stood their with a faint smile on her face.
She knew whatever would happen would destroy what they have.
CJ's noticed that Freddie is the happiest she's been in years with Harriet and she doesn't want to take that away from her.
And she didn't want her sister being with that son of a bitch Anthony.
But CJ would sacrifice her own love to keep the happiness they have.
"Okay, are we all ready to go back to your own-"
"Fairy Godmother" CJ said, stepping forward "I would like to speak to you"
Fairy Godmother nodded, motioning CJ to go towards her.
They whispered in hushed voices, leaving everyone but Mal confused.
She knew exactly what was going on...and she was smiling.
She looked over at her soon-to-be husband and laughed.
It is bad luck in Auradon to see each lover on the day of their wedding, and Ben took it so way that he blind folded himself so he can't see Mal.
But obviously Mal doesn't follow that tradition so she stands their and laughs at him.
"Mal, don't laugh" Ben whined "Everything had to happen today"
"You know I could deal with...him right?" Mal said, holding Ben's hand "You will look ridiculous"
"But Mal what-"
"Hush CJ is coming back" Mal said, interrupting him "I am doing it and that is a final"
Ben sighed, knowing he is defeated.

"Where were we?" Fairy Godmother said, and then coughed "Oh right; I will change your soulmates back to normal again, just close your eyes and-"
"No evil fairy to come and get us?" Mal joked as she closed her eyes.
Everyone looked at her annoyed.
"Nope" Maleficent cried out, making everyone laugh.
"Okay, ready?" Fairy Godmother asked the closed eyed teens.
"Yes" they all said.
Fairy Godmother shot a spell at them, making everyone but three feel the tingling feeling before they opened their eyes.
"Wait, Why didn't-"
"The couples are as follows" Fairy Godmother said, cutting Harriet off "Jay and Lonnie-" Jay held Lonnie in his arms, happily "-Carlos and Jane-" Jane kissed Carlos on the cheek, making him blush "-Doug and Evie-"Evie squealed and kissed Doug on the lips quickly, making Doug widen his eyes "-Audrey and Chad-" Audrey giggled as Chad kissed her on the hand "-Alicia and Gil-" Alicia and Gil held hands, blushing "-Mal and Ben-" They held their hands tightly "-Uma and Harry-" Uma put her arm around Harry's shoulder, making him laugh "Harriet and Freddie" they both widen their eyes. Fairy paused before looking at the faint smiling CJ. "CJ and Anthony"
"Why did you-"
"You guys are happy together...and I didn't want to destroy that" CJ whispered, cutting Harriet off "You guys deserve the best"
"You do as well" Freddie said.
"Having him as my soulmate doesn't mean I'm all lost" CJ said "I'm young, I'll find love if I need it"
Freddie hugged CJ and gave her one last kiss on the cheek, tears falling down her face.
"Thank you" she whispered, making CJ nod.
"Anything to make you guys happy" CJ whispered as everyone walked off happy.

Mal put her hand on CJ's shoulder, Ben walking off with Fairy Godmother helping him.
"You did good" Mal said "Sacrificing your own love; sisterly and's a very brave thing, anyone would be completely blind not to love you"
CJ chuckled softly, rubbing away tears she didn't know surfaced.
"Come on, we have to go to court" Mal said, making CJ widen her eyes.
"Wait what?" CJ asked, shocked.
Mal sighed.
"He survived, that asshole" Mal said, and smirked "And I'm doing the trial"

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