Chapter 2: Cheering her up

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~2 hours later~

Mal's POV

I walked slowly towards Ben, making him back up against a hill, near a cliff.
"Mal...Listen to me..." Ben whispered "Please"
"Listen to a coward? You always think you know what's best for me..." I snapped.
"Ben! Mal! Hold on, I'm coming" Harriet yelled from behind me.
"Stop him!" My love hissed, hidden in the shadows with his brother.
"The reason I even talked to because I felt sorry for you! A sad little boy, with no friends you can relate to!" I yelled, taunting him.
I noticed Ben's face change for the second, making me smirk.
"Halt!" I heard Carlos snapped.
"What? I can't move...How is that even possible?!? Carlos doesn't have any powers" Harriet whispered "Mal! Ben!...all no"
Ben is standing on the edge of the cliff now, I looked down at my knife to see it shining in the light.
"Mal...I will always love you..." Ben whispered "Even if our soulmates messed up...I, I-"
"You...NEVER...Made me happy..." I snapped.
"Please...Mal" Ben said.
"The best thing, you could do for me? Is die" I snapped.
I smirked and pushed Ben, stabbing him with a knife in the process, making him fall off the cliff.
"BEN!" Harriet yelled as my love's laugh echoed in the forest.
All I could hear was a sickening thud on the ground.


I gasped, sitting up rapidly, tears falling down my face.
I took a couple of seconds to get my breathing under control.
Why do I always have that dream?
It's even worse than the other one...
Suddenly I heard people at the dorm door.
I quickly went down into my sheets and closed my eyes, trying to listen to who was saying what.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" I heard someone ask.
That's Harriet.
"I'm sure it will, everyone loves my food" Evie replied "We just need to be there for Mal okay? I don't know what happened but I assume its bad because she has a nightmare each night"
"Wait what?" I heard Harry ask "She got given a anti-nightmare potion"
"Well whatever she's experiencing is strong enough that she screams every time she has a nightmare" Evie snapped.
I barrowed into my sheets.
Why am I so annoying?
I must be such a disappointment...

"Mal? Are you awake?" I heard Evie whisper as she opened the door "I have a surprise"
I groaned.
"I just woke up" I replied, opening my eyes again and sat up, moving my pillow into my backboard so I sat against comfortably.
I looked to see Harry, Harriet, Carlos and Uma with Evie.
Evie is holding a patch a of purple cupcakes while Uma is holding sea critter decorated cookies.
"Food? Guys you didn't have to" I said as they walked towards my bed.
"We wanted to" Evie said and sat on the bed "This is my famous cupcakes with purple frosting and Uma and the others made cookies shaped like sea critters"
I looked at the cookies and notice the icing falling off of some of the cookies, making me almost giggle.
Ben would make cookies like that with me...
...he won't do at anymore.
"Thanks guys" I said "But I'm not hungry"
All of them frowned.
Are they disappointed in me again?
"Mal, you haven't eaten since-"
"I know" I snapped, my eyes probably glowing green
"I know..." I whispered, looking down.
"Mal" Harry whispered.
I looked up and saw the emotions on his face.
Sadness, concern, worried.
I forgot he's still my...soulmate for now.
"I know exactly what you're feeling and you need to get out before it gets worse"  Harry said slowly.
I looked down.
"You know what happened to Ben wasn't your-"
"You don't know what it's like" I snapped, cutting off Harry's calm voice "It was my fault and I could have done something but I wasn't strong enough"
"You know you couldn't fight it; it is very ancient magic" Carlos said.
I was going to say something but Carlos cut me off again.
"You know I know what it's like" Carlos said sternly "We all did things we wished we could control but we couldn't"
"Are you guys talking about-"
"Yes, now shut up!" Harriet snapped, cutting of Evie.
Evie glared at Harriet But Harriet whispered something in her ear, making Evie's stare soften.
"Come on, let's at lest go outside to the rose garden okay?" Harry asked.
I sighed.
They're just going to annoy me either way.
"Okay" I whispered, making them cheer.
"Okay, come on!" Harry said a little bit too excited, pulling me out of bed gently and taking me out of my room.


I walked through the hedged arch with Harry by my right and Carlos by my left; the others walking their distance behind.
I looked to see red and white roses in bloom.
"How are they in bloom? It's winter" I asked.
"It's magic" Carlos said.
"And its Auradon" Harry added "And it's also spring Mal so..."
I nodded, looking down embarrassed  as I sat down at the marble bench at front of the water fountain centrepiece which was off an angle with a bow and arrow.
"Isn't this nice to be out in the air again?" Carlos asked.
"I guess" I said softly.
"Hey, it will be okay...don't worry about him; you will see him again" Harry said, making my breath hitch "I'll make sure of it"
"You're not alone, we can all help you" Carlos said.
I looked at my friends.

"Ah Lady Mal, it seems you are out of your room"
I looked up and saw Fairy Godmother.
I widen my eyes.
"F-Fairy G-Godm-mother" I stammered.
She smiled faintly and opened up her arms for a hug.
I immediately got up and hugged her, immediately sobbing.
"'s okay" Fairy Godmother "I brought good news"
I looked at her, hopeful.
"Is Ben coming back early?" I asked.
"Unfortunately no my dear" she said "Come with me"
I nodded and looked back at Harry and Carlos.
"Don't worry, they will be informed after; I wanted you to be the one to know first" Fairy Godmother said.
I nodded and followed her out garden, hoping for it to be good news.

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