Chapter 5: I...I'm so sorry!

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Mal's POV

I stood up, wiping away the tears.
I looked up and down Ben, noticing what he was wearing.
He was wearing a red jumper, which was open and revealed his scars on his stomach.
Unable to say any words, I hugged him.
He hugged me tighter back, both of us enjoying the silence.

"You're here, you're actually here in my arms!" I whispered, trying not to hug him too tight as the tears fell down my face. "I've been dreaming about this moment. Heh, I don't even know what to say" Ben said, chocking on his words.
"I-I do" I whispered. I let got of him and held both of his hands and looked him in his brown eyes. "Ben, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for what I did to you"
"Everything that happened, everything I did to you, it was all my fault. None of this wouldn't happened to you if it weren't for me. I didn't deserve to be saved." I whispered, looking down.
Ben lifts my chin with his hand.
"You have nothing to be sorry for" Ben said softly.
"But I-"
"These scars, they hurt but not because of how I got them, but because of the words that you were forced to say to me" Ben said, motioning to his scars.
"I would never-"
"I know you would never say those things to me, but what you said was true and it made me think a lot about myself. What happened, it wasn't your fault" Ben replied.
I hugged him again, full on sobbing.
"Thank you" I sobbed.
"I'm sorry you had to live with that guilt" Ben said.
"All I wanted, after all this time was just to hold you" I whispered.
"Then we can do that for as long as you want" Ben said, making me chuckle.
"I'd like that, a lot. Just to hold you without saying anything" I said, leaning on his shoulder.
"Is that because you don't know what else to say?" Ben asked.
I felt myself blush with embarrassment.
"Heh,yeah. I'm at a loss for words. I can't even describe how happy, sad, emotional I am right now" I admitted.
"Heh, same. I'd rather just spend time with you in my arms" Ben said and I snuggled into his chest, just standing on the beach as the sunset.


Third POV

Carlos, CJ, Jay, Jane, Harry and Harriet all sat on the chairs in the outdoor area next to the beach, watching Ben and Mal hugging.
"Carlos, you okay?" CJ asked, noting Carlos looking troubled.
"I wonder if they're okay" Carlos asked.
"I'm sure their fine. They've been through a lot, but this is just a bump in the road for them" Jane answered.
"I agree with Jane, but you have to admit, it might be a little awkward for both of them. Especially Mal" Harriet said.
"Exactly. She's carrying a lot of guilt with her. I'm just hoping she's alright" Carlos said, looking at his older sister role model.
"Hey, Carlos" Jane said, putting her hand on his shoulder. "I understand you worried about Mal, but what she did wasn't her fault. And it's going to take a while for her to accept that. But, that's something she has to work out with Ben...okay?"
"Y-Yeah" Carlos replied.
"Jane is right. Besides, giving them time is all we can do for now. Watch, I bet when they get back they'll be all luvey-duvey and stuff" Jay said, pointing at them, earning a slap on the hand from Harry.
"Yeah, you guys are right" Carlos said "I'm just worried about her because she's like an older sister to me and I want to help her.
"It's okay to be like that, we're all feeling like that in some type of way" CJ said "Besides, this is Neverland! Let keep those bad vibes in the past shall we. We'll work through everything together. For now, lets go to Belle's beach party and enjoy the moment we have together.
"When did you get all love dovey?" Harry asked.
"Since Bal became a thing" CJ snapped back.
"I all about that!" Jay said and then nudges Carlos "As long as Carlos is there".
Carlos coughed.
"Jay you know I'm afraid of the oc-"
Jay's and Harry's stomach growled at the same time.
Jay groaned.
"I knew i shouldn't have eaten all that ice cream!" Jay moaned, holding his stomach.
"You okay Garroth?" CJ asked.
"I really have to go to the bathroom" Jay whined.
Harriet groaned.
"I mean you don't have to announce it. But, you can just run into the house" Harriet said.
Jay stood almost straight away, slowly shuffling to the house.
"Yeah, I'm gonna do that. B-but be right back guys" he said and then sprinted into the house.
"Just make sure you use you bathroom!" Harriet called.
Carlos groaned.
"Greeeat. Now I get to deal with that in our room" Carlos groaned.
"I-I'm going to" Harry whimpered as he stood up "I'm using your room CJ and Harriet"
"Really?" Harriet asked as he sprinted off.
"Hang on, I NEED TO USE IT FIRST FISHBRAIN!!!! DON'T YOU DARE STINK OUT MY BATHROOM!" CJ yelled and sprinted after him, making Carlos, Harriet and Jane giggle.
"They never change" Harriet said, making Carlos and Jane nod with agreement.

Mal's POV

"Does it feel different for you?" I asked as we were sitting on the sand.
"Being with you again? Yeah.. it kinda does, but maybe that's because I'm really nervous right now" Ben admitted, leaving me confused.
"Nervous? Why?" I asked.
He stood up.
"I was afraid that you wouldn't find me attractive anymore" Ben started.
I stared at him shocked.
"Wh-why?" I asked.
Ben pointed to his horns and twitched his brown loin-like tail.
"O-OH! But-"
"I'm this. I really never accepted this side of me. Even now, I'm still having problems. And after all these years I've never told you" he said, making me widen my eyes.
I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.
"Truth be told I was afraid of the same thing" I said softly.
Ben looked at me, confused.
"I was afraid that you wouldn't like me because I'm a dark fairy" I whispered.
"Never! I mean Mal, you've always been you. That's who I fell in love with" Ben said.
"Ben...I feel the same about you. It doesn't matter when you told me about this, this would have never driven me-"
"Me away from you" Ben said, cutting me off.
"Huh?" I asked.
"In the past present or future it doesn't matter when you came and told me this. I'll always love you for you Ben-"
"And that's all I ever wanted to show you. That's the message I left you on the recorder I sent" I said, remembering as I said it.
Ben took out the purple recorder, making me gasp.
"I listen to it every night.I haven't forgotten" Ben answered.
I looked at him confused.

"Then, why would you think I wouldn't want you" I asked, standing up.
"I- I guess I sometimes go back to those moments, this helps me, it gets me through that pain, but it still hurts" Ben whispered, looking down at the recorder.
I put my hand on his cheek.
"We'll get through this together. There's still some healing we have to go through now that we're here, and I want to help Ben. I want to heal you" I said, making him look at me with a faint smile.
"Just hearing your voice makes it better" Ben whispered.
"Are you ready to be with me? Go on this journey together?" I asked.
"I am. Uh.. can I um can I give you a kiss?" Ben asked awkwardly, making me giggle.
"Only if your ready" I whispered.
Ben leaned in and we kissed, the old fireworks sparking as we kissed.
"I love you Ben" I whispered as we broke apart.
"I love you too Mal, so much" Ben whispered, looking into my eyes.
I giggled.
"I'll try to open up more. I'm trying it's just-"
"Shh, it's okay. One step at a time. Right?" I said, cutting off the fanatic Ben.
Ben nodded
"So does a big and powerful beast like you like Dark Faries like me?" I asked.
"Only the stupid ones" he replied and laughed.
"Aww, that's- HEY!" I said, pouting as his laughed "Grr, you...Can we stay a little longer here, holding each other?
"Sure we can go back later. I know mum as organised a beach party for us...but for now I just wanna be here with you" Ben said, hugging me again.

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