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When the 3 months are over, which pass quicker than expected, Harry and Louis have written a brick-thick transcript of an article and have an inexplicable admiration for the other.

Harry stumbles onto the private jet and collapses into one of the patterned leather seats in relief, his partner closely behind and repeating the action with a content sigh.

Harry turns to gaze at Louis fondly and runs one of his long fingers over the soft skin of Louis' velvety cheek out of habit, and then he moves to kiss it slowly, Louis being Louis, moves his head to the side and starts kissing Harry on his sweet lips and they both end up with toothy grins against each other's mouths,

the flight attendant, who's been stood next to them for quite some while, coughs awkwardly to gather their attention and Louis giggles while Harry holds back a loud chuckle, trying to pass it off with a cough.

"Yes?" Harry asks, gawky,

"We'll be making our way to L.A in a bit, do you have any meal preferences?" She asks with a soft yet professional tone.

Louis coughs 'Me.' under his breath and Harry laughs vibrantly as the flight attendant looks on in confusion, clearly not having heard Louis.

Him and Louis end up ordering the same thing, because they don't care and want to get back to kissing preferably sooner than later.

When they're back at it, Harry peppers pecks all over Louis' small boop of a nose, his flushed ears, his chapped lips and his delicate eyes,

he feels that warm feeling creep up his stomach and he knows what he wants to say;

"I love you." Harry murmurs while kissing the sides of Louis' throat. Louis' heart stops , and he grabs the collar of Harry's crimson jumper tightly to pull him up to eye level.

"Do you mean it?" He asks, hardly being able to keep in the joy of his tone as happy tears pool in the pits of his eyes,

"Yes." Harry states while gazing at him affectionately, laughing in disbelief, his own eyes watery too. "I love you, so fucking much, Louis Tomlinson."

"Well then, Harry Styles," Louis blushes contently and puts his small hand over Harry's beating heart, "I love you too..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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