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"Do you promise you won't freak out?" Harry chews on his lips until they look red and flushed and close to bleeding.

"I promise."

Louis looks down patiently at the shining cutlery on the carpeted ground in front of him, him and Harry are both sitting on the floor, Harry insisted. He said it made him feel more levelled,

Harry glances up at Louis nervously one last time and then closes his eyes tightly and moves his hands in circular movements,

Louis stares in fascination as the cutlery rises up into thin air on their own accord, hovering as if gravity itself has ceased to work, they float for a bit like helium balloons and then fall back down to the ground with a thud.

The thing is, Louis isn't surprised. Or worried, or scared. He doesn't even feel like he's in harms way.

In some odd way he kind of expected this from the first time he lied about the altitude to the air hostess, and then a second time when he told the lady at the front office that the strong winds caused the hotel windows to break.

Harry's gaze is fixed on the ground, he's trembling a little, too anxious to see Louis' expression. He starts thinking the worst and feels like he's screwed everything up majorly, which isn't a good feeling.

"Harry, look at me." Louis orders calmly but Harry stays with his gaze fixated on the carpet,

"Harry..." Louis says again as he climbs into Harry's lap, finally causing younger boy to look up at him with a questioning look in his glistening eyes, "there we go," Louis smiles and tucks a hair strand behind Harry's ear with his left hand, and rubs soothing circles into his scalp with the right, "you're beautiful y'know?"

Harry looks shocked, his lips parting slightly, Louis doesn't like the confusion and distress on his face so he kisses it away while Harry snakes his hand around Louis' waist.

This is what love feels like.

The God complex (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now