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"We're not going to a protest today." Harry exclaims solemnly,

Louis snaps his head up at Harry, it's been a week of them simply going to protests in different areas of Kiev and now Harry decides to be difficult? "But today is-"

"-No Louis. We're not going today because we're going somewhere nice for once." He smiles sweetly, Louis feels a funny feeling settling in his stomach and looks at him in admiration, yet he can't help the feeling of doubt that weighs down on his gut instinct.

"That sounds lovely Harry, it really does," Louis sighs and looks at him biting his lips in uncertainty. "but what if we miss something important?"

Harry catches his breath because the sight of Louis biting his lips, even out of sexual circumstance, is really arousing and he actually tries not to get a boner, which is weird because the last time he got turned on was years ago. He pushes his thoughts as far as he can, breathes in and then smiles, only processing what Louis has just said now; "We won't."

Louis looks so unsure but he nods and Harry absolutely beams, just like a child who's been offered an unlimited supply of sweets, Louis loves that expression.

They're both dressed because they were just about to leave to go to the local march, so Harry just grips Louis' hands and runs towards the hotel foyer and then the doors, Louis tries keeping up with Harry but Harry is quite the runner.

When they get outside, Louis already sees a navy-blue ford car parked outside which must be a taxi, he laughs and tries to catch his breath at the same time, "You've already planned it all, huh?"

Harry laughs a toothy grin while getting into the car after opening the door for Louis as if he's a delicate and vital person and Louis has never seen more of a prepossessing sight.

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