Chapter 13 - Dad

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Symphony POV

"Time to Pick your Hero Identities"

The whole class cheered in excitement until Mr. Aizawa activated his quirk. He then talked about the internships and the importance of our names. He showed the number of companies who requested a certain amount of students, I was close to the same amount as Todoroki but I only have one hero that I want. This hero and I have been talking a lot lately and he met my parents during one of his missions. 

Midnight walked in and passed out the whiteboards. I already knew what I wanted my name to be...

Moonlight Discord

It was perfect! 

The class presented their names, my favorite one was King Explosion Murder. After Izuku went I raised my hand and went up. "My name is going to be Moonlight Discord or MD for short." Midnight gave me a warm smile, "I approve of the name, but why Moonlight Discord?" I was a bit embarrassed when she asked me but I responded anyway. "The moonlight represents my powers since I can control both light and dark of any element and the discord because if I lose control I can cause total chaos~" The whole room went silent, I then laughed my ass off, "That's not the only reason for the last part when I was babysitting for a friend she liked to watch my little pony, and one of the villains were named Discord so I grew to like the name a lot. " 

The tension in the room flew out the window and class continued.


Once class was over I told Eijiro to go ahead, once everyone was out of the classroom I shut the doors and walked up to Mr. Aizawa. "Mr. Aizawa, can we talk?" He looks up at me and gave me a small smile, "Sure what is it?" I took a seat and sat down in front of him, "Your the only one who knows about the prophecy and my powers purpose. Before my parents died you became close friends with them until that night. Now that I have reunited with you I would like to ask if I can be your intern. You're the only one I can trust that can cancel out my powers if it goes too far, but I need to find a way to use more power without it taking over. I don't have that much time before the awakening, so I need to learn how to handle them. Can you help me?"

He sighs, "Of course I will help you. It took a lot out of me when I went to visit your parents that morning and everyone was gone. When I couldn't find you I thought for sure you were dead, but you're still here. So to let your parents rest in peace I'll look after you. I'll be at your place on the first day of your internship at 5:30 am"

I started to cry a bit but I quickly wiped them away, "Thank you! I'll see you tomorrow!" I ran out of the classroom and went to meet up with Eijiro. He dropped me off at my place, I gave him a kiss on the cheek. Before I could walk through the front gates, he pulled me back and kissed me passionately on the lips, "I'll text you later~ Love you" I felt my body heat up, "O-ok! Love you too."

Once I closed the gates I truly realized how lucky I am. 


It is currently 5:29 am.

I'm in the middle of the empty town petting Oak and wishing I was in my bed. I was on the phone with Eijiro all night, we ended up falling asleep on the phone and saying good morning to each other since we both had to wake up pretty early. 

Oak started to growl at the door, then there were 2 knocks. I walked over to the door and it opened. Then Mr. Aizawa walked through the door. 

Mr. Aizawa gave me a small smile, "Are you ready for day 1?" I laughed a bit, "Ready as I'll ever be!"

DAY 1 - Water ~ Practice a large amount of water release and control

The outcome ~ almost flooded the forest

DAY 2 - Ice and Black Ice ~ Practice extending the amount of freezing

The outcome ~ almost froze half of the forest

DAY 3 - Fire and Spirit Flame ~ Practice making flames larger, easier to control and spirit sight improvement

The outcome ~ Can see the dead better on command and burned a small portion of the forest but restored it

DAY 4 - Earth and Black Earth - Practice to control better

The outcome ~ Can use without command to heal others and myself, thorns now have a poison that can paralyze the body for about an hour

DAY 5 - Lightning and Green Lightning ~ Practice better aim, more power

The outcome ~ Can aim at a person better and can use more power without fainting or frying my brain, almost caused a forest fire

DAY 6 - Air ~ Practice control and make it more deadly

The outcome ~ Can now fly longer with more accuracy and can create an air bubble and extract the air, killing them or making them faint

DAY 7 - All at once

The outcome ~ Was able to control it all for 5 min without fainting, need to find a better way to control all at once without fainting 

On day 7 when training ended, Mr. Aizawa took me to dinner at my favorite sushi restaurant. We caught up and talked about all the years that went by. "Symphony, what happened to you that night." 

I gave him a small smile, "That night my parents woke me up and helped me escape the village, they told me to follow the wolfs and don't come back until the full moon. That's when the light shines the brightest, once I came back there was blood everywhere. I spent most of my time in the library reading and walked to school. I never went on field trips since I needed a parent signature on everything. If I wasn't reading then I was barring the dead bodies of my friends and families and cleaning up the place." 

He slid some papers in front of me, "Well if you'd like, I would like to ask if I could be your new guardian. You can still live in your home, but I'll visit from time to time to check up on you."  I started to cry a bit, "Where do I sign?" I read over the contract and signed the papers. Mr. Aizawa paid the bill and we headed out, "Quick question, did you tell anyone else about what happened?" I nodded, "I told Eijiro the full story, but Izuku knows only a little bit." He stopped, "Why did you tell Kirishima?" I felt a bit flustered, "W-well, we're dating."

Mr. Aizawa then came up to me and put his hand on my shoulder, "Listen Symphony...If he breaks your heart or mistreats you, tell me and I'll kill him." I laughed a bit and smiled, "Ok."

"And also, you can call me Dad or Aizawa. No more Mr." 

New Beginning (My Hero Academia Fanfic) OC x Eijirou KirishimaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang