Chapter 7 - Ok

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Symphony POV
We finally made it down the hill, right on time. I look to my left to see All Might and Izuku trying to check there breath. All Might looks at me, "How do you do this every day?!" I laughed a bit and took Izuku's wrist, "We'll see you at school!" I tossed him a water and gave Izuku one.


As Izuku and I make it to the front gate we are attacked by the press! "Are in All Mights class?! Can we speak with him?! Can you bring All Might out?!" We try to push pass them but there's no luck. I then felt someone grab my hand and yank me out of the discord. I safely land on a warm chest, I look up to see Eijirou smiling at me, "Are you two ok?" I feel my body heat up and nod. I look over to my right to see Bakugo holding on to Izuku's waist while giving death glares to the crowd of strangers.

I look at Izuku and he looks at me, me both giggle and nod. At the same time we both kissed our hero's on the cheek. I whispered in his ear, "Thank you for saving me, my hero." His face turned beet read. I walked pass him with Izuku and we headed to class.


I am currently changing into my hero costume so the class can go practice Rescue Training. All the girls are teasing me because some of them say what happened this morning, but I don't mind.
I walk on to the bus and sit next to Izuku. Everyone was talking about there quirks, so Izuku and I start to fan girl/boy over them. "Well for the ones who have dope quirks is Todoroki, Bakugo and Symphony." I felt my whole body heat up and ignored the world around me.

-Flashback- elementary school

"Wow you have an a dope quirk!"
"Yeah you can control elements?"
I looked at them a bit confused, "No, I collect quirks and use them for a small amount of time." They all looked amazed until someone screamed, SO YOU STEAL THEM, YOUR A VILLAIN!" I was a bit scared they all started to crowed around me, " Is that true? "Stay away from me!" I don't wanna be friends anymore."

I couldn't handle it, I don't want to be alone I don't want to-SYMPHONY!

-Flashback end-

I look over to see Izuku giving me a worried look, "This class isn't the same, ill always be there for you. ok?" I nodded and we make our way off the bus.

New Beginning (My Hero Academia Fanfic) OC x Eijirou KirishimaWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu