Chapter Twenty- Why Only Me????

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....Leah's POV....

As soon as I could I ran at full speed off the high way towards home. I know that going home knowing that Emma wouldn't be far behind me might have not been a good idea, but I really didn't have the energy to keep going. After mum married Charlie I moved with them since she was moving out of that hole of a house. Even though I moved out of that hole it wasn't any help for me when mum and Charlie did stuff that made me think about the good times I had when I was with Sam. When Seth was here he made me forget about him, but now Seth has ran away and plus he has imprinted on Emma which means I'm the only one left. It not like I have imprinted on anyone yet and can go be with them. Now that I just heard that Seth has disappeared I don't know what to do with myself anymore. It's not like I can easy turn to Emma who says she did nothing wrong. Why do I always find bad things always happen to me and no one else? It's not like all these problems can't be written in the stars warning me about them about to happen? I thought that dad was supposed to be watching over me and Seth not letting us get into trouble. Maybe now that we have all moved on he can't be bothered and doesn't care about us anymore? Well, why can't just still be able to look at for me? It's not like I have gotten over the fact that Sam has imprinted on my cousin who was supposed just be visiting me and Seth. Really, I wish everything can go back to when things were perfect for everyone.

When I had finally stopped thinking about all these things I had made it to my house before Emma. It though wasn't really helping knowing that Emma could be right around the corner ready to ask me to come back to her and apology, but I really didn't want to just yet. I changed back then into my normal self before making a dash to the door. After I had knocked on the door I was so glad mum was there to answer it. That was when I let out all the angry and sadness that was ready to come out. The tears streamed down my face as I leaned into mum's shoulder.

"My dear baby girl, what has happened?" Mum said to me as she stroked her hand up and down my back, comforting me. Seth and mum were the only people I went to when I wanted to get away from Sam and Emily. If you didn't get me hinting Sam was my boyfriend before Emily came along and ruined everything for me. We had no idea what imprinting was, since all we believed was that it was a myth. Sam was the first person to have it happen too. Then Paul, Embry, Quil and Jared followed behind him. Paul imprinted on Rachel, one of Jacob's sisters. Embry imprinted on Jacob's other sister Rebecca. Quil then imprinted on Emily's niece Claire when she came to visit and Jared imprinted on Kim who is his school friend. Then two more were added. Jacob had imprinted on Renesmee which no one expected and Seth imprinted on Emma who is Esme friend's daughter. That only leaves me out of the picture. One of the even worst feelings in the world is finding out you are the only one left. Before bed sometimes I wish that I could imprint on someone so that I could feel more part of the pack instead of running always to mum. Just anyone, but nothing has happened. Mum guided me upstairs so we could sit down without Charlie hearing us.

The house has changed ever since mum married Charlie. The kitchen has finished being upgraded and so has the bathroom. Bella's room has turned into the storage room with one couch to sit down on. Most of the other rooms haven't changed much though.

"What's wrong my child?" Mum had asked me as we sat down on the couch in the storage room.

"Oh mum, everything has gone wrong." I said to mum says I looked up at her big blue eyes.

"What do you mean, everything has gone wrong?" Mum asked me now looking confused at what I meant.

"Renesmee is dead, Seth has gone missing and Emma is now mad at me for running away from her." I blurted out fast as I was going over the bad things that have happened so far. Mum was now sitting next to me rubbing my shoulder for comfort.

"Hold on, Seth has gone missing?" Mum looked at me now worried. I nodded my head saying that that was right. "I can't believe he would do that. Do you know why?" Mum asked me, but I couldn't answer because I didn't know either, only Emma knew. I heard the doorbell go, but didn't want to go look to see who it was. Mum stood up and went down the stairs and opened the door.

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