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       "Huh?" You tilt your head in confusion.

"You didn't know about this? Apparently they're renovating the Nova building so classes are doubling up now." Vivi tells you.

"I thought they were going to do that during vacation.... I don't even know anyone from the Nova building, and everyone there seems... Mean...." You sigh looking down. She frowns touching your shoulder.

"I'm sure you'll make a friend at least..." She murmurs. The bell rings and you both separate. You head for your first class, Anatomy. You yawn as you reach classes and pause, looking at the crowded classroom.

"___! You sit there next to Trafalgar." Mr. Ceasar says pointing at a tattooed teen that looked cold. His silver eyes pierce you and you take the seat next to him shaking already. He frowns slightly at that before looking ahead. "Now then, once the next bell rings we'll begin."

"Students are still coming? What a nightmare..." The guy besides you mutters.

"Y-Yeah.... I don't see why they don't do the renovations during vacation..." You breathe rubbing your cheek and looking down.

"Right? This is just more stress on the students that have social anxiety, crowding so many in one room." He frowns again looking around. You blink and look at him in slight surprise, he offers a smile. "I'm Law by the way."

"___." You relax a bit, taking the hand he offers.

"Nice to meet you." He rumbles before the bell rings.

"Listen up brats. I've seated the best with the worse in hopes of raising your test scores. So listen to the smarter on of you and you'll probably succeed, now, let's-"

"Are you implying that just because one does not understand anatomy that they must be dumb?" Law interrupts, again surprising you as he frowns at Ceasar. "You shouldn't say such demeaning things to your students, even if you are an asshole." Your jaw drops and Ceasar grits his teeth glaring at Law.

"Tch... I'll let you off with a warning this time Trafalgar." He growls before continuing with the lesson. You couldn't help but look at Law with admiration. He peers at you, offering a wink.

Damn he's cool....

*After school*

Luminous has entered chat.

Heartless has entered chat.

BlueKitty has entered chat.

Heartless: How was your day today girls?

BlueKitty: Mine was good, Lumi swears she met the coolest guy in school today.

He's the coolest guy I've met so far... Besides Heartless and Striker of course! I hope I can meet more people like him tomorrow!

Heartless: You're so cute when You're excited.

BlueKitty: I agree!

Striker17 has entered chat.

Guys... Stop... (*/.\*)

Striker17: Yeah, only I can compliment the most amazing and adorable person I know ;)

Striker!! (>\\\\<)

Heartless: Have you been writing down compliments Striker??

Striker17: ... I only think of them off chat! So yeah, I have started a Cheesy Notebook too...

Dammit BlueKitty!!

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