Childhood Friends

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You were 5 when you first met him. You were dying of boredom being inside all day so, you decide to go to the local park near your house. Immediately when you got there you ran to the playground and went down a big slide. When you got off the slide a small group of kids caught your eyes, but in particularly a curly-haired green-ette and a spiky haired blonde. All the other kids were starting to stand around them, creating a small circle around the two making it harder to see. You decide to see whatever the commotion is, you push through some kids to see what looks like to be a fight.
The blonde one was standing in front of the poor freckled boy, and was shouting something about being stronger and better than him. Your heart poured out seeing how he treated poor freckles, he was pushed down by spiky. You couldn't watch any longer, you run between them both before any of this got worse.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING STUPID?!" the blonde one was yelling at you for your sudden actions. "I WAS ASKING YOU A QUESTION?! MOVE OUT OF THE WAY LOSER!" you didn't respond, you just couldn't. Your hair now covered your E/C eyes, while you bit the bottom of your lip. "..k-kacchan..just leave her be, she has nothing to do with this." You heard the poor boy behind you say. And before you could react and look at the boy behind you... "kacchan" (or so you think that's what he is called) pushes you out of the way, and you fall to the ground scraping your knee. Kacchan stomped over to the green-ette, grabbed him by the collar as he was yelling "SHUT UP DEKU!!". You quickly tried getting up and wanting to stop kacchan but, his friends were holding you back by your arms. In the end it was just you and Deku, on the ground. Kacchan was endlessly hitting him calling him "weak and quirkless". You tried to help poor Deku but you kept struggling. After Kacchan was done with Deku he walked over to you and threatened you with never stepping in his business. His friends finally let you go as they push you onto the ground.

You slowly get up and dust yourself as you head over to where Deku was laying. "..Deku?.. Are you okay?" You softly ask him as you shake him for a response. At first, he seemed to be startled as if Kacchan had come back but then, he saw your face and calmed down. He slowly gets up and apologizes to you. You were so confused "why would he be apologizing?". Deku's head slowly tilted downwards but was surprised as you extended your hand out to him. " .. Hi! My name is F/N, don't apologize I'm fine now!" You smiled with a toothy grin. Slowly but surely, he took your hand and shook it. " name is Izuku, I'm sorr-" before Izuku could continue he fell from the pain on his side. You quickly went down with him seeing what you could do to help. Lucky you were just the right person for this! You inherited your father's quirk as a Healer, you and him had the ability to see a person's vital signs and heal up to any type of injury. But you just got it a few days ago so the most you were able to do was heal small things like cuts and bruises. You carefully help Izuku to sit up under a nearby tree. "I promise this won't hurt Izu-chan! Just stay still okay?" He responds back with a slow nod as you grab his hands and close your eyes.

Your palms started admitting a light yellowish glow as you start to concentrate. You first find where the nervous system receptors are receiving the signals that there is pain, after you try to concentrate on healing the parts where the signal is coming from. Izuku is amazed at what he is seeing!! He sees how his cuts and bruises on his arms start to slowly disappear. He then looks up and stares at you, he sees you flinch a few times but didn't want to interrupt you. After what seems like forever, you finally finish and taking deep breaths. The healing process takes a lot of energy to do. You look up at Izuku, and he seems to be an shock, his eyes were wide open and his jaw dropped. You didn't know if that was a good reaction or not so you slowly got up and scratching your head nervously. Before you say anything though Izuku quickly gets up as his eyes started to shimmer. "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?! THAT WAS SO COOL!" He quickly yells out and starts mumbling under his breath trying to comprehend what he just saw. Before you could explain you noticed the sun was beginning to set, father doesn't like it when you come late home.

"Sorry, Izuku!! But I have to go home!" You quickly turn to run the other way but, Izuku grabs your wrist. "Wait! Please don't go! What if we never see each again!'re the only friend I have.." Izuku hesitated to say the last part but it was true. He wasn't really an outgoing person nor was much of a extrovert. He mostly stayed home and watched All Might videos but, meeting you gave him hope that you can be his first friend. And not just like Kacchan and the others, but a real friend. You looked back a Izuku and saw the desperation in his eyes, he really didn't want you to go. You give him a tight hug, reassuring him that you won't be gone forever...hopefully. "Don't worry so much Izuku, we'll probably see each other again some other time." You stuck out your pinky and grabbed his and intertwined both of them saying "I pinky promise, that we will see each again and that we will always be friends!" And with that you run back home waving good bye to Izuku as he kept shrinking the farther you went. Izuku just stood there...looking at his pinky. His cheeks started to heat up as he slowly walked back home as well. Considering what has happened today, you made it all up. You made him feel....warm.

<* Time Skip to 2 months *>

It felt like summer lasted forever! But now it was your first day of school, and you would be lying if you said you weren't worried. Your whole life up until 3rd grade you have been home schooled, but now you are walking through doors of your first public school. Your father recently had more hero work offered to him which means that he didn't have all the time in the world like he used to. He sometimes has to put his job as a doctor on hold to help out.
After finding the main office and getting escorted to your classroom your hands started to get sweaty. The teacher opens the door as she smiles at you and presents you to the whole class. "Now, now, children! We have a new student, her name is (full name)! I would ask that everyone should make her feel welcomed." Everyone stares at you and you look around the class seeing if anyone here would be interested in being friends. But the teacher cuts your thinking off by saying "(F/N), you can sit over there near the windows." She points to an empty desk and gives you a tiny shove. You walk over to your new desk but as you settle in you have a feeling of being watched.

A few days have passed since you first started 4th grade. It was now silent reading time, you and your classmates sat in bean bag chairs as you all read books. You were about to turn the page when you see something land on your lap. It was a wrinkled paper airplane, you held it confused. You carefully open the airplane and try to look inside to see if someone wrote anything. To your luck there was writing on it but it only said "Hi! It's nice to see you again!". Now you are really confused, you look around to see if anyone could be a culprit. Your eyes met with a pair of familiar green ones. You were surprised as the person smiled and waved. It felt as if everything was moving in slow motion. You quickly got up from the bean bag and ran towards him. His eyes started to widen when you started giving him a big tight hug. Shortly after that short sweet lived moment, time speed went back to normal. Forgetting it was silent reading time you yell out "I missed you so much Izuku!!" And with that everyone stared at you and Izuku. Making his face the color of a cherry, and that was the first time both of you got in trouble with the teacher for interrupting class.

(Thank you for reading! Please leave feedback if I should continue or not! Also leave any suggestions that you would like to see me write!)

Love Me (Yandere!VillianDeku X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin