Chap 1: A New Start

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I will be following JohnnyAwesome's play through





Blue and red lights flash across a car wreck. A family of four inside. Hours later they are reported dead in a hospital.




























"Excuse Me, Miss." You are startled out of your dream, one that is all too familiar to you. You look to the flight attendant.
"We will be landing soon, would you please put up your desk." "Oh, yes, sorry." That's right, you're transferring to Japan. You check your phone,

April 6 2017
8:47 am

Tomorrow is your 16th birthday.

9:31 am

Once you finally get off the plane with all your luggage, you head out to the parking lot and looked for the train. You're living alone here, no one you know lives in Japan and you were scared about foreign Communications. At least your scholarship was paying for your new lodging while you're studying here, But food you had to pay for yourself. Everything was in a different language, thank God You took Japanese lessons. Once you finally made it to the train you showed the conductor your pass, and started heading to Shibuya. On the way to your apartment, you decided to look up proper Japanese etiquette so you didn't accidentally offend anyone. But when you got out your phone, a strange red and black eyeball app had suddenly appeared. Creeped out, you decided to delete it immediately.

12:52 pm

You finally made it to your apartment. You took out the key and unlock the door, ready for some long deserved R&R. When you opened the door you immediately took your shoes off and walk in. It was actually pretty spacious, the front door lead into a pretty spacious living room, with the kitchen to the left. The kitchen was a bit small but you could work with it. Down the hall, at the other end of the living room, was the bathroom, toilet room, and at the end was your bedroom. The bathroom and toilet room are right next to each other on the left. You decided to go to your bedroom and unpack everything.

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