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"Hyung! Wait up for me!" I yelled as I was running after him. He turned around and smiled at me waving two peace signs.

"Jimin-ah you have to be faster then that!" He yelled back at me. We were both running around the food market to help our mom's cook food.

Every year before we start a new school year our family gets together to eat. It kind of became a traditional thing for us. This year it's going to be our second year in highschool.

"Ah he stopped running." I whispered to myself as I saw him looking at a tank of octopus. I slowly ran over to him and hugged him from behind.

"Hoseok hyung. What are you looking at?"

"The tiny octopus looks like you." He said as he pointed it out. I let go of him and hit his head. "Ouch!"

"I don't look like an octopus!" I yelled out.

"You do so short stuff!" He yelled back at me. I let out a huge sigh and walked away from him. "Where do you think your going!"

"Home you can carry the stuff your self!"


"I'm so proud of our sons." Hoseok's mother said as she and my mother sat in the living room.

"Me too. I just hope Jimin sticks to becoming a contemporary dancer."

"And I hope that Hoseok tries to become teacher."

Hoseok was up in my room watching tv. I was in the kitchen getting drinks for us. 'Hoseok hyung doesn't want to be a teacher....he wants to be a dancer.'

"Mom I'll be in my room watching TV with hyung. Let us know when dad is done cooking." I said as I stood at the end of the stair case.

"Okay don't watch to much tv. It's not good for you. "

"Okay. Bye." I started walking up the stair case and to my room. I walked in to see Hoseok laying on my bed sleeping. His shirt was half way up his stomach. I gulped when I saw his bare stomach reveling his abs that he's been working hard on.

I placed the cups down on my dresser and walked over to him. Should I wake him up or cover him up?  I questioned myself on what I should do.

"Jimin-ah...ummm stop it....I can't...umm." He was talking in his sleep again. This was a habit of his. Already wanting to know what he's dreaming about I get up and close my bedroom door.

After closing it I walked back over to him. "Hyung....what is it?" I said as I sat back down next to him.

"Don't touch me there..." He mumbled.

I lifted my hands up and hovered it over his waist. My hands were shaking at the thought of where he didn't want me to touch him at.

I let out a shaky breath and hovered over him. I bent down so I  was semi close to his ear. "Don't touch you where again hyung?"

When I said that I felt his hands grip around my arms. I pulled my head back and saw that he was awake again. "I-I....it's not what your thinking about." I said stumbling over my words.

"Jimin....do you like me?" He asked as his grip on my arms got tighter.

"Of course not. We're friends. I like Sunmi remember. "

He went quite and just stared at me then looked away as he let go of my arms.

"Oh yeah... Sunmi she's nice. I hope things go well for you too. But if you Don't mind.  Get the hell off of me!" He yelled as he shoved me off of him.

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