Chapter 4

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AN: Hey everyone. So here's the start of shorter chapters. I hope you guys enjoy this one. I've customized the breaks to fit the Wattpad format a bit better. So hopefully there's less walls of text, and it's easier to read =)


Chapter 4

I open my eyes, ugh what a headache. I wake up to the sound of a crow cawing loudly. Looking around I realize that I'm in my parents' bedroom. Was I dreaming? No, I still have my mom's necklace on and it looks like I got makeup all over my pillow, great. What time is it? I look around for my phone and find it sitting on my nightstand with a cracked screen. Clearly its seen better days, luckily it still works. 11:00am and there's an unread text. Wonder who it's from, "Alyssa when you read this please call me! It's Madison we need to talk, its urgent!" I put my phone on the nightstand and lay back down. The crows cawing outside my window is driving me half insane, and if anything, it's making my headache worse.

What the hell even happened yesterday? I remember Madison and Caden arguing, was that real? God it's all such a blur after my phone went haywire. Wait, how'd Madison get my number? You know what? Not even gonna worry about it, I don't care anymore. My head hurts, the crow won't shut up, I feel disgusting, and I just need a shower.

I take my time to feel the hot water from the shower on my head. It seems to cure my headache, so at the very least I have that going for me, but I keep running yesterday's events over and over in my head. It just all seems so weird. It takes me a few minutes to get dressed and head downstairs. Maybe Natalie will know what happened, "Aunt Natalie! You home?" no response. I walk into the kitchen and see a note on the fridge, "Gone to see a friend. Be back soon," well that sucks. I was hoping to ask her about yesterday. Guess I'll just call Madison and interrogate her instead.

Before heading back upstairs I raid the pantry and grab some chips and a soda. I still haven't finished looking around the house, and I'd like to see if there's anything that triggers my memories about my parents, or that boy I might've killed.

As I walk back into my room, I see a large piece of paper on the floor. Weird, that wasn't there when I left. I put my soda and chips down on the dresser next to the door and wipe my hands on my tank top. Picking it up, I notice it's my dad's pentagon sketch. Where did this even fall from? It was stacked with the other artwork next to my mom's vanity. This shouldn't even be here. As if my life here couldn't get any stranger.

I notice the crow outside my window that was cawing is now silent. Something doesn't feel right... The door behind me slams shut. I jump. Startled, I turn around, "Hello?" Dead silence. I stand there for a minute, listening... Nothing. Maybe I should call Natalie. This is getting weird. I walk over to my phone and start dialing her. Come on, come on, pick up. Straight to voicemail. Dammit. Wait, Madison! I can call her instead. As the phone is dialing her I hear my can of soda hit the wood floor. I turn around and freeze.

Standing near the shut door is a tall dark slender figure with white eyes that are wide open staring at me with an insane intensity. I can't move, I can't even look away. This thing's eyes are sucking me in every second I stare into it. I barely get enough time to react before this creature walks in front of me in large strides and grabs me by the throat. I can't breathe. Its grip gets tighter and tighter making it harder to breathe with each passing second. I drop my phone and try to get its hands off my neck. It hurts. My feet are off the ground now and this thing is holding me straight up in the air, I can feel myself starting to pass out. Breathe dammit! Please breathe! But I can't even get a slight shred of air in.

I notice a shining blue light emitting off my body but I can't see where from, my neck? It quickly grows extraordinarily bright and explodes in a wave of energy sending both me and the dark figure flying across the room in opposite directions. My back slams into my mother's vanity and I can hear the creature shriek while I gasp for air. I regain some of my awareness. What just happened? I look down at my mother's necklace, still gasping for air, and see it pulsating a blue light. I have to run. I have to get out of here.

I muster the strength to stand up. I have to get to the door. Come on Alyssa. Move dammit! But before I can do anything, the door to my room suddenly slams open. Madison walks through it, and the room instantly feels like a tornado just walked in. Her right arm is outstretched in front of her as she walks straight up to the dark figure yelling something I can't understand, "Mekluas Zinthra!" a huge blinding white light emits from her hand and the dark figure screeches in pain. The light gets so bright that it forces me to shield my eyes with my hand while the wind in my room is so intense that I can barely keep my footing.

I feel a small wave of energy hit me like a miniature explosion. It knocks me to the ground, but I hear the screeching abruptly stop. The wind dies down from a hurricane to a soft breeze, and the bright light has completely subsided. I look to see what happened. The dark figure is gone and only Madison remains. Breathing heavily, she looks at me, "Aly! Are you okay?"

"Am I okay? No I'm not okay! What the hell was that? And that light from your hand? What even?!"

She helps me on my feet, "I'll explain everything I promise, but not here. We need to get out of here and get somewhere safe."

"This is insane." I'm barely even processing right now. This has to be a dream there's no other explanation.

"Aly! We need to go, now! Please just trust me," she begs me and just like yesterday, she puts me at ease. I trust her.

"Okay, right. Let's get out of here." I reply.

She quickly guides me out of my room,and we run down the stairs, out the front door, and into Madison's car.


CH.5 will be out Oct. 10, 2018

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*Corrections and errors in grammar/spelling are still being made. So if you catch anything, let me know. Feedback is welcome. Send me a msg through the inbox.

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