Chapter 7: Hysteria

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(A/N: First off, I AM SO FUCKIN FUCKIN FUCKIN FUCKIN SORRY for the longest wait you probably had done for in your whole lives. Blame uni -_- First there were tests. Yes. MIdterms are up for some fucked up reason. Anyways, well I failed one (a big one too) and its stupid Maths. I'm never good at those anyways I apologise with all I am. My laptop was confiscated and so the whole month was pure rubbish in my terms. Then a huge flood came and I got stuck at my mates' house. Rather stupid for me to go there but boredom. -___- FUCKIN BOREDOM LED ME TO THIS. I'm so sorry once again. I promise to make it up to you.  Thank you for all those beautiful people that checked everyday if I updated. I know i know. I'm a huge piece of shit.

Wow that message ^ was rather about some weeks ago -- when I orginally planned to update but didnt because of stupid WiFi problems. I'm so sorry. FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING SORRY OKAY?! Okay =)) I'll sing to you something about being sorry but everyone would die because of how bad my voice is -- it's like a cat screeching with a clam shell scratching on a very shiny classroom board. I know alot of you waited and most already left the fanatic stage of this story, I DEEPLY APOLOGISE. OKAY HERES A POPSICLE, scratch that YOU DESERVE PERI PERI CHICKEN (:I still love you xx Haha. Anyways, take care guys. Please please vote and fan! Hope you like this chapter -Lou ;)xxx


Days have gone by and now there's only 15 days left till Niall's 'departure'.from Zayn's captivity. The longer Niall stays, the more he doesn't know if he wants to leave. This hysteria is surely something that requires even astral projection to quickly decide upon. He hopes to find the answer in himself soon as well.

Niall's POV

Holy motherfuckin shit! I thought everything was just a dream but it wasn't. I'm here laying on a couch right beside Zayn. Zayn Jawaad Malik aka MY FUCKIN KIDNAPPER.  God he's gorgeous. If being gorgeous could kill, I would've been slaughtered about 20 times over THEN raped 100 times THEN tortured to empty bloodline about 3 times more. 

Then, I realized his arm was right across my waist -- holding me as if the carpet is an endless pit of hell wherein if I fall, eternal damnation would be cast upon him. I found that attractive. ENOUGH NIALL! Remember 15 more  days and you can go home -- but he's your And that would be sickening if you leave him alone. UGH NIALL JUST GET FOOD FROM THE FRIDGE.

When I got up, I immediately remembered the things about the movie last night. It's been a thing between me and Zayn wherein we'd always have movie nights when we have nothing to do until the time I'm staying here is over. I have no idea though why I can't just leave since I don't think he can still hurt the lads or me -- I guess its jus the sense of companionship that's been developed between me and him.

He's told me quite a few things about him that not even his gang knows about. 

"So Zayn, can you tell me about yourself...please?" I said with my renowned irresistible puppy dog face with matching flickering eyes. 

"And what would you like to know about me, Niall?" Zayn replied while pulling on my cheeks as if I'm some dog needing to be pet. FREAKING BENGUIN! DO YOU KNOW HOW YOU WALK EVERY MORNING! LIKE A PERSON THAT CAME OUT OF A PENGUINS ARSE AS A BY-PRODUCT OF INTERCOURSE BETWEEN BARNIE AND A PENGUIN

"Tell me about yourself. Basically parts of your life story but if other things are too personal then you can just leave em'" I told him as I prop open the microwave to pop up the popcorn for the movie night.

"Okay hmm. I'll start off with something I've told ya before yeah?"

"Okay!" I said excitedly

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2012 ⏰

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