Chapter 4: Feelings

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A/N: Hey guys. First off, Introductionnnnn. I'm Lou. Short for Louis James. I'm Hannah's brother and I've been tasked to write Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. I would be basing some of my knowledge about Niall and Zayn from what I've seen and heard off in the telly when they were still in the X-Factor. Oh FUN FACT: I'm from Worcestershire, UK =) Well sort of grew up there..seprated from my sister and mum. But oh well, we're together now in Asia. :) I have an English Accent. Yes its weird since my family doesn't have itl. Oh well. It's what I get from living in the UK HAH. Okay that's all the fun facts about me for now. I POSTED THIS EARLIER THAN SCHEDULED. LIKE A WHOLE WEEK BEFORE THE SHEDULED UPDATE. REGARDING THIS TOPIC, I'LL BE TALKING ABOUT IT SLIGHTLY LATER. Hope you guys enjoy Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 as much as I enjoyed writing them. I changed the POVs in this chapter. Tell me what you think please. I'd really love it if you guys can comment and vote.  Thanks very much :) x  


Niall's POV

I woke up early morning and found myself facing Zayn's face. So much for being a kidnapper/master. He seems so kind and nice. Yesterday didn't feel like I was kidnapped or anything. It felt like I was just at a camp with a total stranger. Though it was only the two of us. Well I looked at the clock. 5:03A.M . Too early. Then I suddenly remembered something that made my stomach tingle. The words Zayn said. Were those true? Wait. I JUST MET HIM YESTERDAY. He couldn't probably have feelings for me. And why am I worked up about this. Ugh get it off your mind, Nialler. YOU HAVE TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE. Your world tour is about to come. Just get up and eat something. Your stomach is about as empty as a whole sold out super market. 

I stood up quickly and went to the bathroom. Looking over to my side, there were a bunch of hair products piled up in a neat way. Whoa, and I thought my mum used lots of hair products. Totally not bad-boy. I washed my face and brushed my teeth just like the normal routine except the fact that this bathroom is huge. Zayn was right about the jacuzzi too. I definitely have to try that. Thinking on how popular One Direction is. One would think that I already had the chance to experience being in a jacuzzi. Well N O. There's no time and every hotel we check into when we tour is only for sleeping and quick shower purposes. Being in a famous band isn't as good and fun as what people perceived it to be. Sometimes I wish, what if I was a normal lad. 


I went out the bathroom and I saw Zayn. He's already awake and wow. His hair is definitely to die for. The way his eyes look into you as if  you can just live into it. Oh man. His biceps are in shape too. Last night I saw his abs and they were something that can draw ANY PERSON IN. He can turn a straight lad gay, a gay lad obsess over him, a girl dream about having sex with him, a lesbian girl straight. I'd definitely want that if he wasn't my kidnapper. WAIT NIALLLLLLL. YOU'RE FORGETTING ONE BIG THING. YOU. YES YOU. ARE  S T R A I G H T. STRAIGHT. STRAIGHT. STRAIGHT. Just go downstairs and eat. 

He saw me staring at him and said "You must really like what you're seeing because you did this last night. But I'm not gay. More like bi-sexual and for the rest of this month, you're going to be MY slave and do exactly what I tell you to. Got that, Blondie?" As much as I hated it, I nodded my head. He IS the bad-boy person I thought of him to be. Then he added, "Now go and prepare breakfast. I'm hungry as fuck and I'm going out. Clean the place and I'll be locking the whole flat and don't bother thinkng of calling or looking for a phone. I've cut the phone line that was connected to this place. The only way you're ever going to be able to call is through my phone which I don't know why I said since there's no damn fucking way I'm letting you use this.NOW GO AND PREPARE BREAKFAST!' ending with a smirk on his face. GOD I WANTED TO SLAP THAT SMIRK OFF HIS FACE.  I realized him staring at me moments after and I saw myself without a shirt on so I quickly looked for my shirt from yesterday. He threw me something soft. I realized it was the sweater he was wearing. His scent definitely stuck on the sweater and I felt like it was the best odor I've smelled in years. I got back to reality, quickly put on the sweater since I didn't have much of a choice and went downstairs. 

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