Chapter 21- Okeal

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Chapter 21


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Original Magics, and Ideas


What...... In the.... Hell.....?

The world was still spinning, everything was so far out of reach and muddied- everything dipping and bobbing in and out of hazy monochrome and then suddenly, swirling, nauseating, million-hued color.

Pain was igniting through every inch of her being on a loop, firing through every nerve, every muscle, every bone, everything.

She was burning alive, from the inside out... But the pain was so bad it didn't just burn- it was icy cold and it was cutting.

There was so much... So much Energy and Magic, millions of things that shone like lights on their own, everywhere, choking... Smothering....

.... There was darkness too, dread and evil and foreboding that made it harder to breath, made the pain worse... It was....

.... It kept on falling, her mind and thoughts dipping away to places and things that had long since been buried and shrouded, places and people that it... Hurt to remember... And still it all just stayed fragmented and blurred- and then a world of overloaded color and Energy snapped back.

Where the.... hell am I?


Attempting to recall what had gone one was as fruitless as it was frustrating.... And to make it worse, she knew it was something bad. The dread and the looming feeling of danger was telling enough of that.

.... Why can't I....... I'm asleep, right...?

.... Why can't I... Wake up.....?

She wasn't in the Reach, or anywhere close to it... Nor was she in Median either..... This was just.... Bouncing nothing between wakefulness and unconsciousness... And she felt her stomach flip.

... It did that before.... And she'd ended up retching... And... There were people... Right....?

Everything was spinning, whirling, falling- all sense of up and down and left and right was just... Gone.

She couldn't make sense of the world, she couldn't hardly breathe- let alone open her eyes to see where she was and what the hell was going on. Her thoughts wouldn't click together, it was all a rush and mix of things too few and far between and all at once.

She was so off balance, she couldn't see, could hardly hear- every part of her body was unresponsive, numb, weak... She could feel herself shaking and twitching as she tried to get up, and failed. She was so confused and lost- what the hell happened?!

Her head spun and her stomach went with it, flipping over as nausea hit her full force as she rolled over, trembling still, muscles screaming, freezing and yet burning up all at once.

She felt the bile rise up her throat, her stomach knotting painfully as she coughed up all of it's contents- breathing ragged and hardly able to keep herself up. Her arms were pushing down but she hadn't the strength to even keep her own body weight up. Her arms collapsed underneath her, sending her into freefall- but something or someone stopped her from slamming back down again.

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