Chapter 2- Reyan

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Chapter 2


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


"Now, Members of Corialein please take your seats, the Meeting will soon be under way."


Hurried footsteps echoed over the grand, pale marble halls as a young man raced through them, stumbling and arms full of papers, scrolls and tomes as he huffed, his pale grey eyes glinting and out of breath. He rapidly passed through the carefully cut marble and stone hallways, the sun dripping through the pillars to his left that let the free air and sunlight filter in. To his right he passed heavy, oaken and stone doors of different sizes, and other hallways that lead deeper into the building and it's center, but for now he continued on straight ahead. He hissed, tripping slightly on his tan colored sash as it came undone from around his torso slightly, though he continued through the halls, his long dark ash brown hair disheveled and looking panicked.

His hurried movement caught the attention of several other people lining the halls, discussing amongst themselves, or fingers twirling as a quill floated on the air and wrote down upon parchment at their command. They all wore similar attire to the running man- tunics of various hues and robes, coupled with pants and leather boots, as well as a sash of either a navy, green or yellow-tan hue hung about their persons. Many of them were adorned with thin bracelets and earrings, they smiled slightly and shook their heads in slight exasperation as the man hurried past them.

"He's late again." A young woman sighed, shaking her head to the two men behind her, both of them wearing long tail coats. Like the others, they wore a sash draped about their torso's, but the color differed- theirs being a color of pale blue lined silver. The woman wore her own, which was pale blue as well, but lined in purple. Her eyes and the men's followed the rushing man as he passed them hurriedly, she sighed while her companions simply scowled slightly in annoyance. "It's a wonder how he managed to get this far, there isn't a lot of room in Kelen for people who can't manage to be on time."

"Tch... if he doesn't watch it, he'll be thrown out."

"... Oh.... Felle...!" The young man snapped, his pale grey eyes glinting as he rounded a corner, stumbling again on his sash as he struggled to hold on to it, and everything else he was carrying all at once. "Calinn is going to kill me.....!" He stiffened, struggling to adjust course again after rounding yet another corner, and almost immediately running right into a tall, burly man with russet colored hair and dark blue eyes.

"Oi! Watch it!" The man snapped in surprise,

He sidestepped, barely avoiding the other man as he stumbled, and continued forward. "S-sorry!" he called back breathlessly, but he didn't dare waste a single moment- he was behind enough as it was.

Felle.... This morning isn't going well already...

By the time he slowed down he had come upon a sudden upsurge of people as they made their way out of one of those large oaken doors, the ring of conversation hung on the air as he slowed up, eyes glinting in impatience as he hurriedly managed his way through the crowds.

"Pardon me... Sorry... I'm just trying to get through... Ouch.. I apologize!" He murmured in exasperation, nudging people roughly and stepping on toes, an array of grumbles and growls of agitation rose up around him in his quake, eyes flashed his way.

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