Chapter 10- New Day?

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Chapter 10

New Day?

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail or its characters, only my own OC's, Energy Magic, and Ideas


She found herself staring up at the ceiling for a long while after her mind pulled away from sleep and the waking world came into full focus, her ears trained to the sound of the few people in the Guild for the morning. She focused on the soft humm of their voices and their feet across the floor whilst doing her best to ignore the constant, incessant throb of Energy from all places, and places too many pricking against her skin on a loop.

I slept all the way till the next day, huh...?

She let out a low breath, her eyes falling closed a moment.

.... I was exhausted..... but that's the first night I've slept that well....

Her hands moved up slowly, pushing her bangs and tendrils of her hair from her face, eyes narrowed at the roof again.

She smiled faintly, her hands moving away from her face as she grumbled, hissing under her breath as she sat up, her hands moving behind her to push herself into a sitting position, one of them moving to land gingerly over her stomach as she stifled the wince coming up her throat.

She sighed, coming to a halt and sweatdropping slightly, the sheets falling into her lap and Laxus's coat among them, though she hardly noticed it- her attention had cast toward the four Energy Signatures getting closer and the feet she heard outside in the hallway.

"Good morning, Erza." Wendy's bright, quiet voice reached her ears from the hallway. "I didn't expect you at the Guild so early."

"You look as if you've been waiting." Carla's voice spoke up too.

"... yes, I was just wondering if Frea will be awake. I wasn't sure if I should intrude so early, though... so I've been waiting a little while." Erza's voice replied quietly, almost a bit nervously- Frea could feel the embarrassment sparking from her easily enough.

"Ah that's right, you came to see her yesterday while she was asleep. " Moon's voice replied, Frea blinked.

"Yes. I was hoping to see her today, if she is awake now." Erza replied softly,

"I'm sure she'd appreciate the visit." Wendy replied brightly, "We're about to go check in, you wanna come with?" There was no reply so Frea had to assume it had been a nod that Wendy received in response to the question.

"Did Kagura and Millianna go home?"Carla asked,

"No, they were asleep when I left is all." Erza replied, "And Sherria?"

"Oh, she went to see Lyon and Jura-san this morning, she should be back in a little while."

"What did she go to see them for?"

"I think she mentioned something about their Guild Master getting called away, though I'm not really sure what about."

Frea bit the inside of her lip at the words though, her eyes narrowed down at her hands a moment.

.... So they've already started, huh...?

She forced herself to shake the thoughts away lest what good and calm sleep managed to get destroyed by unwanted thoughts and emotions.

Her hands moved up to brush her hair from her face and over her shoulder, grimacing inwardly in slight irritation at the way too long length- a part of her wondered if she might ask Lucy and Cancer to cut it short again when she got the chance. She never liked her hair longer than shoulder length, and as it was now with Dragon Force and All Magic, it easily reached her lower back and she hated it. It got in the way and bothered her to no end, even with her not having to move around or do anything for it to get in the way of.

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