•Chapter 46 | He is ʎddɐɥ•

Start from the beginning

Rushingly- I stepped back and moved my wide eyes to the floor...

Every step he took closer - I took back - not caring about knowing that there was an obvious end to my amount of steps I took back.

"comE on, my precious reader ~ look at me ~"

Yet there was his chuckle again. Deep. Dark. Sinister.... husky...

Our bodies were an inch apart. Darkiplier stood there and watched with no hard feelings - nor jealousy- nor anger....

Unhappy with not following his command, he attempted to block my eyesight on Dark with his own face - my gaze moved back to the floor like lightening.... or even faster than lighting- like my racing heart beat.

I forgot how to breathe. Think. Move. I just stood there.

A... hand made it's way to my chin....

I saw the human life colour on that hand - and I knew exactly what he was planning to do.


The hand stopped right when I was about to turn my head away.

I turned my head either way - but I wasn't stupid - my eyes were viciously glued to the tanned hand.

The hand that shook...

In pain....

I wished I could look up and see exactly what was going on- his facial expression- perhaphs if he just got stabbed - or maybe a miracle happened - I wished I could - desperately- but I didn't let the curiosity get the best of me. I kept my shaking eyes on the floor - where they should be. I did not look up.

I did not even attempt.


It was Dark's voice.

Cold and strict.

I wondered...

Why did his voice sound so close?

"(Y/n) - step away now -"

Dark's voice grew louder and almost impatient.

I was about to step away - but Mask's hand reached for me - but with a painful jolt it moved back away.

"Don't you fucking dare, asshole."

Dark's voice muttered in venom.

I slowly moved away, eyes low - breath stiff.

I heard laughter.

It was phsycotic.

But it was forced.

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