Chapter Thirty-Three

Start from the beginning

Somewhere ahead of them, Harlem and Nina had already disappeared into the busyness of the streets. Adelyn latched her hand around Nik's and dragged him through the bustle of the crowd, far away from the taverns and the pubs, regardless of how much she was sure both of them craved fresh food and drinks.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Nikolai asked when Adelyn let go of his hand. She was a few feet ahead of him then, slowly making her way up the hill behind the city. A few yards above them sat the town hall, far away from anything else.

Adelyn tried her best to keep the heaviness of her breath out of her words-- the hike was taking it's toll on her lungs, "You'll see."

Only when they'd past the town hall did Adelyn stop, turning on her heels and falling back into the grass. Nikolai took a few more steps and stopped next to her, turning just as she had and sitting just next to her. The moon had started it's climb on the horizon, and lit the harbour before them in a bath of white light.

Fraysner's wasn't a big city, but it was big enough. Sitting where they were, Adelyn could see every street, and every corner. The water of the port glistened from the sky, and the shadow's that moved on the docks told her just how many people were up and about. She stared for what felt like forever, and nothing but the sound of Nik and her own breathing filled the silence between them.

"I'll admit," he said. "It's a nice view."

Adelyn smiled, nodding. "My mom brought me here a few times when I was a kid. I come back every now and then."

"My ship looks like a meer play thing from all the way up here." Nikolai said with a laugh. Adelyn giggled.

Somewhere in the city below them, music was playing, loud enough that Adelyn could just hear it from their spot perched above. The city almost looked quaint from way up there, peaceful, even. Maybe that was why she kept coming back.

She could just make out Anne Marten's house, far to the west side of the town. Two of the rooms had lantern's lit, and Adelyn could see them flickering through the windows.

Adelyn wet her lips, "So where are we off to tomorrow?"

"Perlings." Nik said, nonchalantly.

"Perlings?" Adelyn repeated, thinking she must have misheard. It wasn't exactly known for anything exciting, certainly not adventurous. "And then?"

Nik's eyes were trained ahead of them, at the water, as though it called to him. "Not some place I like having to go."

"Does this place have a name?" She pestered.

He nodded, turning his head her way, "Garinth."

Adelyn blinked, "Garinth? As in the capital?"

Nik nodded, tiddling with his thumbs. Adelyn could tell the idea of it made him uneasy, and it wasn't hard to guess why. Places like Fraysner's Harbour and Carstrid were forgotten by the world; they were the places the law didn't quite reach. Guards ignored it, and that was how they liked it-- but the capital would be crawling with them.

People like her and Nik didn't belong there.

"What business have we there?" Adelyn asked, picking grass around her feet. Just like that, she was nervous.

"Haven't got it all figured out yet," Nik said, smiling. "But by the time we get there, I will."

"I'll take your word for it," Adelyn said.

Nikolai set his hand down on the ground next to hers, his fingers brushing her own. A small jolt went through Adelyn's veins, quick like lightning. "Don't be too scared, thief. I'll be there to protect you."

Adelyn snorted, "How chivalrous of you. Because, of course, I can't take care of myself, can I?"

"Oh, certainly not," he said, grinning mischievously. There was a glint in his eyes. "You're a woman, after all."

Adelyn gasped, feigning anger and whipping her hand towards his shoulders. He caught it before she struck, pulling her a few inches closer than she'd been before. For a moment, he did nothing but breathe, his eyes focused low. He spoke in a whisper, "Gotcha."

Adelyn swallowed, "And what next?"

"Guess," he murmured.

Adelyn was the one who leaned in, brushing her lips against Nik's. Her actions were tentative, almost questioning, but Nik was quick to take control. It took him less then a second to lift his hands to her face, pulling her into him, though she was sure she couldn't get any closer.

Something about Nikolai made Adelyn feel safe and afraid all at the same time. She felt as though nothing in the world could touch her, nothing could hurt her, aside from him. It was a feeling she'd never felt before, and she couldn't decide if she liked it or not.

But for now, it was enough.

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