"What's her name?"

"I will tell you if you let me finish, love."


"Love... Loving the weather today. It's so shiny." I said coming up with something to cover my mistake.

"Yes, it's absolutely beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." I said and I soon as I realized what I told her my eyes went wide whilst her cheeks turned into a cherry red.

"Thank you?" asked Diana kind of uncertainly.

"Yeah... No problem. I mean these complements show that I'm a kind and considerate person to be in a relationship with right?"

That's how it's done Gilbert. Nothing can go wrong with this.

"You should ask the girl you like that."

I didn't see that one backfiring. But, she did give me a chance so I'll take it. Please, don't invite Mr Philips at my funeral, I don't like his face and people will cry because of his ugliness instead of my death.

"I just did."

"You did? Where is she?" asked Diana, looking around trying to find her.

"For a girl with such a bright brain, you can be so oblivious sometimes." I snapped at her coldly.

"At least I have a brain." said Diana as she pushed me and kept on walking.

"Di... Love... Beautiful... Wait... That's not what I meant..." I kept on saying as we walked inside Green Gables and she run to Anne, pulled her from Gilbert's hold and pulled her to her room, locking the door.

I looked towards the couch and I saw Gilbert with a smirk.

"I'm all alone..."

"You okay, bud?"

"I-" I said as I slapped myself on the face and fell on the seat next to him.

"Have some dignity, Charlie." said Gilbert.

"That's rich coming from you." I said and Gilbert's eyebrow raised.

"Do you want me to keep you out. Because, it's freaking cold." said Gilbert and I instantly shook my head as I held his hands pleading him.

"Gilbert. Help me. I am as pathetic as you are now." I said and Gilbert went to answer when Jerry walked inside with Ruby.

"Awwwww. This seems like a dear diary moment." said Jerry as he put his hand on his heart, pretending to cry.

"What-" I looked at mine and Gilbert's hands and quickly let go.

"I'm going to check on Anne." said Ruby and I run towards her hugging her

"Help me."

"With what?"

"She won't talk to me."


"No, Diana..."

"What stupid thing did you say this time?" asked Ruby as I shockingly let go of the hug.

"Why do you think it's my fault?"

"Is it?"

"...It could be."

"Of course. Charlie you need to let her have an opinion and sometimes you have to follow it." said Ruby as she looked at Jerry.

"That's not what I-"

"You're coming to meet my parents, Ruby. Stop trying to make me change my mind. You're just wasting your time." said Jerry as Ruby scoffed and walked up the steps to the girls room.

I ran after her as Gilbert and Jerry gave me weird looks but followed.

"It's Ruby..." said Ruby and the door opened so I run inside before they had the chance to close it one more time.

"Get out." said Diana as she pointed at the door and stood up.

"What are you doing here?" asked Anne and Gilbert said. "Supporting my friend of course." and Jerry added "we definitely didn't come to see what's going to happen."

Ruby rolled her eyes and sighed as she shushed him.

"Listen to me." said Charlie, scoffed and pushed him.

"How would you feel if I said you're not intelligent. Yes, I know Anne is the smart one but you don't have to rub it on my face. That's just cruel. How would you feel if I said that too you... Huh?" asked Diana, harshly.

I wouldn't really care, but I didn't dare to tell her that.

"I didn't mean you're stupid."

"That's what you said."

"Let me finish."


"FOR GOD SAKES LET SOMEONE ELSE TALK." I yelled and Diana's face looked hurt and I soften my tone.

"I like you..."

I hope you like this chapter. I love you and I'll see you soon. I don't know when I'll post again. ♥

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