Recall It As Often As You Wish A Happy Memory Never Wears Out.

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Anne's POV

I was walking home with Gilbert as he quietly leaned his head on my shoulder. I knew he wanted to speak but he was holding back something. I didn't want to pressure him into speaking...

"What's going on with you?" I asked as soon as we reached Green Gables.

Well, I could be nicer...

"Hmmm?" asked Gilbert as he straightened his back and ignored my gaze.

"Gilbert, I've known you for years..." I started and he nodded.

"I know. I was the other half of this friendship." He said, as he said word friends with a bit a bitter.

"Don't you think I know, when you're lying?" I asked.

"Anne, I don't want to talk..." said Gilbert as he went to walk inside Green Gables.

"That's an unwise choice." I said but then I realized that I basically called him stupid.

"What?" asked Gilbert as he looked at me. It was obvious that he started to boil in anger.

"I said... That's a wise choice." that's so not imaginative.

"No, you didn't. But, you know what? I don't care. I'll see you later." said Gilbert, imprudently.

"I am sorry. Please don't leave. We can talk. I shouldn't have even mentioned it. It's insensitive of me." I said, pleading him not to leave.

I was tired of losing him over and over again.

"Send Matthew my kind regards. I will come and visit him later. Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough not to find my way home, so I won't need your help." said Gilbert as he was about to leave, when I heard a voice from inside.


"Henry?" I asked as I run towards him and hugged him.

"What is going on?" asked Jerry as he approached us.

"This is Henry..." said Gilbert.

"Who is that?" asked Jerry, perplexed.

I let go of Henry and I turned to introduce him to Jerry and Gilbert.

"Hen, this is Gilbert and Jerry. Gilbert and Jerry this is Hen." said Anne with a smile.

"Isn't a hen a female bird, especially of a domestic fowl or a female lobster, crab, or salmon?" asked Jerry, confused.

"How do you know that?" I asked, surprised.

"I've been spending a lot of time with Ruby." said Jerry, as he blushed.

"Is Ruby your girlfriend?" asked Henry with a smirk.

"No. But, I'm trying to ask her. She just always changes the subject before I get to ask her." chuckled Jerry with a smile and a light blush.

"You realized that you liked her?" asked Gilbert.

"Not, everybody is like Anne." said Jerry as he laughed.

"Now that you mentioned Anne... I didn't come alone." said Henry, anxiously.

"Who did you come with?" asked Anne, but she already knew the answer.

"Me." said an annoying voice, known as Violet. Sigh.

"What are you doing here?" asked Anne.

"I came to visit Gil." said Violet with a smile.

"Violet, haven't seen you in a while." said Gilbert as he hugged her.

"If Cole was here, he would have freak out." said Jerry as he stared at the entire situation.

Henry was the only guy friend I made at the asylum. The thing is that, I met him when I stayed to the asylum for a week. Marilla thought that it would be a good idea to be with people who would be able to understand me perfectly.

Gilbert came to visit one day because Marilla told him, but all he did was hang out with Violet. I hate her. But, I haven't seen her in a year so maybe something changed?

"Violet." I said as I went to hug her, and she actually hugged me.

"Ann without an e right?" said Violet as hugged me.

"With an e." said Gilbert as he laughed.

"It's not so hard to remember. I am French and I still remember it." said Jerry as he observed her.

"Oh, you must be the student wannabe." said Violet as she went to shook his hand.

"Love, I might have never been to school. But, I bet that I am smarter than that small brain of yours." answered Jerry whilst I tried to hold my laugh. He shook her hand as her eyes went wide and her smile vanished.

"You are such a loser." said Violet.

"It would be nice if we could manage to get on the same level, but I'll never get that low and you'll never get this high" said Jerry as he crossed his arms.

"Stop talking. I can't hear so many stupid things at once." said Violet as she put her hands on her ears.

"JERRY." yelled Ruby and Jerry's smile widen.

"Then, how can you handle yourself?" asked Jerry as he bowed and walked away.

"Hello, angel." said Jerry as he went to hug her. But, Ruby simply stopped him as she looked into his eyes.

She gave him a light peck and took a step back.

Jerry was about to speak when Ruby run away.

"RUBY." said Jerry as he run after her.

"So, he is in a relationship?" asked Violet.

"I have absolutely no idea." answered Gilbert, a little bit sharply.

"I'm sorry I was so rude to him. He just acted so annoyingly. I promise that I will apologize." said Violet to Gilbert when she saw how mad he was about the way she acted towards Jerry.

"Promise?" asked Gilbert and I felt my heart sink. That was mine and Gilbert's thing. I mean, he can promise things. But, I don't know...

"Promise." said Violet as she gave him puppy dog eyes.

I think I am going to go and vomit.

"Alright." said Gilbert as he smiled at her.

"Close friend of yours, Anne?" whispered Henry.

"Yes..." I whispered at him and turned away.

Gilbert and Violet were really caught up in their talk that they didn't even notice me looking at them.

"If he doesn't know how amazing you're then, that's his lost." said Henry as he hugged me from the side.

"I don't like him like that." I said as I stomped my foot, pushed his arm away, opened the door and walked inside.

"Come on, Anne-girl. I was just kidding." said Henry as he chuckled and followed me inside.

Who missed Violet?🤔

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