Surprises And Partners

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Anne's POV

It's Tuesday. A day after the whole 'Gilbert being a heartless boy' situation.

I'm now sitting on my chair in class waiting for Miss Stacy, when I hear her walk in.

"Alright, class sit down please." said miss Stacy kindly with a smile.

I unconsciously turned to my right and saw Gilbert talking with Billy.

I hate them both, if I'm being completely honest.

"I have massive news." said miss Stacy and I immediately turned my attention to her, waiting for her to continue.

"THERE WILL BE A ROAD TRIP TO TRINIDAD." yelled miss Stacy, excitedly and the entire class cheered.

"Oh my God. Diana this is so romantic. I've never been there... but, I read about it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I became friends with someone there?" I asked with a wide smile on my face.

"New adventure, same old Anne." chuckled Diana.

I smiled at her and acted offended when miss Stacy asked us to be quiet.

"Now, there is something you should know..." said miss Stacy.

"What?" asked Ruby with a smile.

"There will be a house and six to ten people will be living in each house." said miss Stacy.

"Ten? Can I have one for myself?" asked Charlie, jokingly as Gilbert lightly pushed him, laughing.

Who does he think he is? With that stupid smile and 'supposedly' charm. With a higher iq than every other student but me, combined. Ughhh...

"The first house will have... Jane Andrews, Tillie Boulter, Prissy Andrews and Ella May MacPherson. The guys will be Moody Spurgeon Macpherson and Fred Wright." said Miss Stacy.

I looked at Moody and he seemed moody about the fact that he had to be around his sister...

"...Third and last house will be having ten people" said miss Stacy, which proved that once again I got lost in my head... Oh well.

"The females will be Diana Barry, Ruby Gillis, Anne Shirley-Cuthbert and Josie Pye. The males will be Cole MacKenzie, Charlie Sloane, Brian Andrews, Gilbert Blythe, Billy Andrews and last but not least, our school decided to give a kid that doesn't get to go to school... a chance to explore." said miss Stacy.

"I wonder who it is." said Ruby, excidetly.

"I'm in the depths of despair." I murmured quietly.

"Why?" asked Ruby.

"Gil-" I got cut of by miss Stacy.

"Jerry Baynard." finished miss Stacy.

I guess that's a good thing.

I can't believe GILBERT BLYTHE of all people will be coming on a road trip...


I didn't sign up for this.

Why am I so unlucky?

I hate you, princess.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora