Is It Kissing Day, Today?

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Gilbert's POV

I run after Anne as she stubbornly kept her head high.

"Angel..." I said as I hugged her from behind but she simply slapped my hands.

"How long are you going to be doing this for?" I asked as I held her wrist lightly yet firmly.

"What if I give you your slate?" to that Anne started to smile.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked as she shook her head.

"There's not a chance. I will get hit by a slate again... Is that Charlie and Diana?" I asked as I pulled her towards me.

"What are they doing?" said Anne and I immediately had a teasing smile on my face, but I tried to hide it since I didn't want to get hit by a slate... Again.

"Kissing. Let's go say hello." I said and dragged Anne towards them.

"No. That's their privacy." said Anne, as she tried to pull away from my hold.

"Isn't he the one who stole your chocolate a week ago?" I said and Anne's eyes widen as she started pulling me towards them.

"CHARLIE AND DIANA HELLO LOVES." I yelled as soon as we approached them and they instantly took a step back, blushing furiously.

"H-Hello..." stuttered Diana.

"Hello my blossom friend and the thief who deserves to be panished." said Anne as she patted him on the back.

"I didn't steal anything." said Charlie and my eyes widen.

"You stole my cho-"

"Diana's heart." I interrupted.

"And my chocolate." finished Anne and Charlie smirked. Oh boy. I took a step back before Charlie got the chance to talk.

"Anne, Gilbert ate your chocolate."

Anne turned slowly and looked at me. If looks could kill... I would be dead.

"I need answers. But, for now I have to shout at Gilbert. So, if you'll excuse me." said Anne, calmly and walked away from them.

"They didn't excuse you." I said as I took a step back frightened and Anne stopped walking and looked at Diana.

"Oh, she is excused." said Charlie with a teasing smile whilst I started running with Anne close behind.

"TRAITOR." I yelled.

"KISS STOPPER." yelled Charlie back.

"What?" asked Diana.

"What?" answered Charlie.

I run inside Green Gables and I came across Ruby and Jerry sitting quietly on the couch.

"He likes you. You like him. How about you stop being so awkward and kiss?" I said as Anne walked in the room and I held a slate in front of me in order to protect me from any sudden attack. Not my smartest idea...

"You like me?" asked Ruby as she got to her feet, Jerry doing the same thing.

"I think I just implied that." I said and Anne looked at me furious.

"Do you want to get hit with a slate? Because, I won't hesitate." said Anne and I smiled innocently at her.

"I know you won't, my precious little flower."

I turned to look at what was going on and Jerry and Ruby were kissing... I looked at Anne and she gave me an awkward smile. I pointed at the door and we walked out.

"I can't unsee that..." said Anne with a facial expression, that I couldn't find the word for.

"I think it's a tradition."

"What is?"


"Of course it is. If you like someone you kiss them-"

"Do you want to try this tradition?"

"Oh my Gracious Heavenly Father." said Anne as she placed her hand on my face.

"I mean people in relationship kiss..."

"If I kiss you, will you stop talking?"


"Close your eyes."

I did and the next thing I knew was the feel of lips on mine... But, they weren't Anne's. I opened my eyes and what I saw, wasn't a sight I wanted to see. A pig. She was holding a pig...

"Please, tell me that I didn't just kiss that." I said as I started brushing my lips.

"It would be a lie..." said Anne as she set the pig on the ground.

I took a step closer with a smile and she took a step back.

"I will give you one." said Anne.

"Let me guess. I have to close my eyes?" I asked and Anne nodded.

I closed my eyes, but kept them a little open to be able to see what was going on around me and as Anne was about to run away. I held her from the waist keeping her from doing so.

She gave me a quick peck and she let go smiling.


"Hi." I answered back as I pulled her in for a hug.

"Lorcan?" asked Anne and I chuckled.

"The last time I checked my name was Gilbert." I said.

"No, Lorcan." said Anne as she let go of me and pointed at a guy.

"Oh. He is with Briana and Prolinge."

"And here comes Lily and Violet." said Anne as she pointed to her left and right.

"LILY." shouted everybody, not even one of them going to Violet.

"It's kind of sad."

"Yes, I expected at least Lorcan to approach her. He used to call her his favourite precious angel." said Gilbert as he smiled at the memory of Violet finally talking to someone instead of insulting them.

Violet blushed as soon as she saw him, but she turned around and started walking away.

"Angel? Aren't you going to say hello?" asked Lorcan with a fake pout as Violet turned around.

She was hesitating.

"Mrs Hammond is waiting. I have to go." said Violet as she pointed down the hill.

"Just a hug?" asked Lorcan, pleadingly.

Mrs Hammond shook her head and Violet looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry..." and walked away.

Lorcan was upset. I actually saw his eyes starting to tear up, but it was only for a second because it was quickly replaced with a fake smile.



"Isn't it weird how Violet changed so quickly that day?"

"I was thinking the same thing..."

"Should we investigate?"

"If we won't, nobody will."

"We're also the smartest."

Me and Anne fist bumped and I hugged her quickly, giving her a kiss on the forehead as we walked back to her secret hideout.

SURPRISE. New chapter.No update tomorrow. Have a nice day. Lots of love. ♥

I hate you, princess.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora