You Will All Obey ....

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No ones POV

Toby had not been able to tell anyone about what Connor had done, every time he had tried, Connor would threaten him and he had almost killed Toby once when he got too close.

Toby had made it look like he finally gave up on telling slenderman, but he was actually trying to think of a plan that would work.

Toby had also been in his room from the first time Connor had threatened him, he isn't able to get even 5 feet from the outside of the door before Connor or his cat appeared.

Today Toby had a plan to escape his room. It was easy, he would just act as if he gave up and accepted that you belonged to Connor now.

Toby opened his door walking out with a frown upon his face when Connor appeared.

"i-its ok, sh-shes yours *tic*, i-i under-st-stand...." Toby said actually feeling sad about how he said it

Connor raised his eyebrow at Toby before smirking

"i knew you'd give in eventually, I'll let you out of your room, but tell. Slenderman, (y/n) or anyone for that matter and your still dead, same goes fo4 you talking to her" Connor said

Toby hadn't looked at him once, he just stared at his feet and just nodded.

Connor then disappeared and Toby walked downstairs, everything seemed normal

You walked out of the kitchen talking with Jeff and you saw Toby, you ten walked over to him and hugged him.

Toby looked behind you and saw Connor glaring at him and before you could say another word he started talking

G-get a-away from me, i-i never..... Loved you..."Toby said trying not to scream

You looked at him and just left Toby saw Connor smirk and walk toward the direction you went off to.

But before he left he whispered something inaudible to the others but somehow Toby managed to hear him say:

"they will obey, she will obey and you will do the same Tobias"

That sent shivers down his spine


Ticci Toby x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now