Stroms, Caves And Friends

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This idea comes from the one and only ChevyMoBleby, thank you for all the wonderful ideas im gonna combine some of them, thanks!


No ones POV

it wasn't a sunny day, it was cloudy like most of the days and it seemed like it was going to rain

Slenderman had called you into his office

As you entered the office, you saw the person you disliked most, it was Jeff

'children, i have called you in my office for one reason, you are not getting along and for you two to get along i have arranged for you to go kill a family together, you will have to work as a team for this is a big family, and if i find out that you did not work together there will be severe consequences, understand? '

"um, no! Slender, its about to rain, and Masky said that there is going to be a storm, im not going out to kill some family with this whore in a rain storm!" Jeff kept on whining while you just stood there silently killing jeff with your eyes.

' Jeffrey!, you will do as i say.'

" fine! But i still hate you! "he said looking at you


You were in the house of the family, you had killed the parents and one of the two kids, while Jeff killed the baby and the other kid.

It was easy, and slender was wrong, it wasnt that big of a family. Or so you thought.
There was a scared boy in the closet who had called the police, unfortunately for him you found him and slit his throat, you ran out the back door, Jeff following close behind cursing at you for leaving him.

As you were in the woods, the cops were on your tail, and you couldn't just lead them to the mansion so you grabbed Jeff's hand when he tried running to the direction of the mansion and turned the other way leading him and the cops away from the mansion.

As you ran you realized that you had no place to hide out at and that you were basically just running into a random direction.

Jeff spotted a cave and pulled you into it, placing a couple of tree branches and vines in front of it to cover the opening of the cave, you waited there for what seemed like forever and the cops had finally left, luckily they didn't have their hounds with them or you'd both be screwed.

As they left you decided to wait in the cave for a few minutes just incase, but that wasn't a very smart idea considering it began to rain, you thought, ok its just rain,if you run you could make it back to the mansion in time and just be wet but then a storm started, and it was huge

The forrest was dark enough as it was and now with the rain, storm and not to mention that you ran into a random direction, you now had to stay in this cave for you don't even know how long, it could be hours, days or even weeks!

And worst of all, it was with


Hours past and the storm wasn't clearing up, you and Jeff had just sit there, not looking at each other and surprisingly he hasn't said a word to irritate you yet.

Jeff started to get bored and his ass had fallen asleep for sitting so long, he stood up and walked to the entrance of the cave trying to see if the storm had maybe cleared up, at least just enough for him to leave you and go home. Nothing.

He went to sit back down in his spot, but slipped and fell. Face first. Onto the ground.

For some sick and twisted reason you found this extremely funny and for the first time in years, you laughed

"you.. Can laugh?" jeff asked

You nodded

"i... Actually made the emotionless witch laugh... This is fucking awesome! I made YOU laugh! I truly am the greatest!"

You chuckled at his response

"hey, look, even though though we don't get along, i dont really think you're all that bad...aaand i actually think your powers are pretty cool.."

You looked at him suspiciously

"no, really!... Can we just, like be friends or something?"

You gave him a small smile and nodded.

For some reason right after that the storm stopped as if it was paused.

'finally, you two took forever to become friends, now lets go back to the mansion'

" set this up!? " jeff asked

" yes child, well except for you two almost getting caught , that was just pure luck"

"screw this, im going home!" he started walking back home

"would you like me to teleport you back?"

You nodded and in a second you were back at the mansion and you just got teleportation(did i spell that right?) powers

Jeff's probably lost

As you took one step Toby came running into the living room, amd he looks panicked

"where were you?! I w-was s-so w-w-w*tic*worried!"

You looked at slenderman

'she was out, gaining a new friend'

"o-oh... W-well, next time t-*tic*tell me f-f-first o-ok?"

You nodded and went up to your room to take a shower.


You and Jeff had been hanging out more and more in the last few weeks

Unbeknownst to you Toby saw that Jeff was the only pasta that was able to make you laugh or even smile. And truth be told he was jealous. Even before he was declared missing he had a crush on you and with Jeff hanging out with you only made the jealousy matter worse than it already was.

He liked it better when you and Jeff hated each other

He needed to do something to make you and Jeff hate each other again.


Ok thats it for this chapter, thanks to  ChevyMoBleby for the ideas, thanks to everyone for all your support


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