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My name is Adrian Mystic, and I'm gay. It may not come as a shocker but it's tougher these days, especially when your school doesn't all ow that kind of behavior. I go to school at Axes School for Talented Teens in Seattle, Washington. Apparently what "Talented Teens" meant, was troubled kids. No one in the whole school actually did something worth while, just juvenile delinquents filling a school. Let's not even talk about the classes! Really? When will we ever use Arithmetic equations in our lives?
But I especially liked my language classes, there was a really cute boy in that class. Sure, the most quietest, but really cute. His name is Percy Jackson. Only until recently I realized that he has a girlfriend! Even if I was straight I would like her. In our French class, Percy struggles a lot, so I volunteered to tutor him and he dared refuse my offer, "Annabeth is really smart, I'm sure she can help me." He told the teacher. Humph, that's not fair.
But the days went on like that, he never noticed me, but i always saw him in the halls with his girlfriend and six other people, all couples. The couple on the farthest left from where I was standing, was a tall blond guy with blue eyes wearing black skinny jeans, purple shirt, black jacket, and he looked fine, not gonna lie. He was holding a girls hand, with chocolate colored hair with braids along the sides, short shorts, orange t-shirt. It was a pretty couple.
The second one, was a big Asian guy also in a purple shirt with his arm around a shorter dark skinned girl, curly hair. Then there was Percy and his girlfriend Annabeth. The last couple was a guy named Leo who was in my mechanics class and his girlfriend. What was her name? Calypso? Yeah, we have culinary class.
Yup, basically the hottest couples in the whole school, and everyone envied them.
They were also very popular for the extra curricular clubs they participate in. But no one knew what they were, because one day they can all be here, then they leave for weeks, come back with scars and bruises all over their faces. No one ever asked cause some of the guys looked intimidating.
It was lunch when they were walking around and Leo saw me sitting alone and walked up to me. "Aye ese, do you happen to have yesterday's homework?" He asked me and the seven other just stood there.
"Uh, yeah, I should have it done." I replied. Leo just smiled and held his hand out for a high five, fist bump.
The curly haired girl spoke, "Why so lonely?"
"I don't have anyone to hang out with." I shrugged.
They looked at each other and the girl with the braids asked, "Do you want to walk around with us?"
I nodded, "Sure." And got up. They introduced themselves, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank.
After walking around a bit, the guys said that they needed to go check up on something, and that they'll be back. So the girls and I sat in the cafeteria. "So what's your name?" Asked Hazel.
"Adrian Mystic." I replied.
After a moment, Calypso seemed to realize that I was the only guy there and asked, "Are you uncomfortable with being the only guy here?"
"Nah," I replied. "I'm okay, actually I'm great, wait no, I'm gay."
Annabeth actually choked on her juice, "Wait seriously? Not that I have anything against that, it's just surprising."
"Yeah, don't worry. We'll be great friends, we can have sleepovers and paint each others nails." I said.
That got a few laughs.
"Well anyways the boys are back." Said Hazel.
"Hey." Said Jason.
"Come on Calypso, we'll be late for opening!" Exclaimed a very jumpy Leo.
Calypso got up, "Okay okay, I'm coming." She said her goodbyes then left in tow. The others also had things to do so they all excused themselves. Apparently I was the only one returning to class when the bell rang.
Please don't catch feelings, I told myself, preparing myself for my next class.

Him and I Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora