"Our suits woman!" Vegeta finishes.

"Oh all your stuff smelled so I had to clean them." Just shrugging her shoulders.

"DAMN!" We both yell.

"Go get your butt pants on and hurry up woman." Vegeta said to me.

"They are leggings and no I don't have time. Let's go." I said starting to fly off without him.

He quickly caught up. "Everyone's going to see under your dress if you fight. And I don't need to kill everyone."

"Oh so now your in a good mood." Not looking at him.

"No I'm just preparing to fight Frieza."

"Sure and don't worry. I'll make sure that when I kick his face everyone can see my ass." Than I pick up the pace so he can't say anything back. Good thing I'm quicker than he is because he would of hit me.

Than I feel a huge sting on my ass. "OW!" I look back to see Vegeta's hand up my dress lowering it.

"Your sooooooo lucky were in a rush!" Then I look ahead again.

'Your better hold that tongue.' I hear Vegeta seductively say.

'Damn why are you So hot.'

I hear him chuckle. 'Just for you.'

Once we land we see Yamacha, Tien, piccolo, Chiatzu.

"Oh hey (Y/N) Your looking good." Yamacha say as I land.

"I told you woman!" Vegeta yells walking to Yamacha. I stand in front of Vegeta with my hands on his chest.

"Calm down Vegeta. We have no time for this." He just turns away and crossed his arms.

Then I see Bulma arrive. "Bulma whay are you doing here!" I yell at her as she gets out of her ship.

"I'm not going to miss this!"

"Everyone hide your power levels!" Vegeta states. I do.

"Why?" Yamacha ask.

"Because if Frieza has his men their scouters will be able to pick us up. Idiot."

I see Gohan and Krillin land.

"Hey Gohan is Goku back yet!" Yamacha ask. Gohan shakes his head.

They start to exchange words but I stand next to piccolo on the rock he was on. "Nervous?" I ask him.

"No." He lies.

"Liar." Then we see it.

"HE'S HERE!" Piccolo shouts.

"Thought you weren't nervous." I smirk.

Then as soon as they land we see him. Vegeta is right next to me holding tightly next to him. "Deep breaths. I won't let him take you." Whispering just loud enough for me to hear. I didn't realize I was breathing heavily. Then I finally start to take deep breathes.

When we see him and I guess a bigger lizard come out along with a few men. I hold the bottom of his shirt tightly. "Vegeta I can't do this." I whisper a tear coming from my eye.


I turn around and hug him tightly he wraps one arm around me and starts telling everyone a plan. Then we start to run on foot to Frieza. Gohan is helping Bulma as Yamacha is all the way behind. Vegeta is making sure I stay next to him so I don't leave his sight. Luckily I can climb a wall with ease so I'm quicker than everyone. As I stand on top I see a boy with lavender hair and a sword come down and attack some of Frieza's men with ease. When everyone else comes up to see the boy as a super sayain. He kills them all with ease.

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