"Hey." I say, surprised to see him be back so early. Most days he wasn't really home until late at night. Harry looks at me while he walks towards the kitchen and I'm on his trail. "Where'd you go today?"

"Somewhere." He says, chugging down a water bottle from the fridge. He throws the empty bottle in the trash before walking over to the sink, ridding his hands of what looked to be dried blood and dirt making me cringe. He makes sure to clean under his finger nails thoroughly and when he looks at me, he must notice the look of disgust on my face. "Get used to it." He says, nonchalantly drying his hands. There's also a substance on his black shirt, he removes it and runs it under the tap and sure enough, more blood.

"I'd much rather not."

"I do it to protect you, sound a little more grateful." He retorts and I ignore him and walk over to the couch, a few seconds later Harry joins me there too. He sits on the other end, sighing.

"I guess you're back to being a dick." I grumble, referring to how he was a total different person just a few hours ago.

"Being nice isn't exactly a characteristic of mine." He points out, playing with the rings on his fingers. He looked guilty, or maybe he looked like he could care less of what I thought. You can't really differentiate his emotions, he's a master at showing none.

"I can see that." I say, sounding annoyed. "It doesn't hurt to try. I won't tell anyone if that's what you're worried about." Maybe he had this reputation he wanted to maintain, his reputation of being a fucking dick perhaps. But maybe that's why no one really messed with him.

"Why do you even care?"

"I don't." I lie and look down, I can see a faint smile or smirk coming from Harry.

"Come to my room later."

I turn to look at him as he was beginning to stand from the couch. "Again?"

"Just—listen to me for once." He says, holding back from going off on me. I didn't say anything else but nodded. He looks away from me. "Okay." He gives me one last glance before he walks off upstairs and I hear the sound of his bedroom door shut.

The guys and I did our usual nightly activities, this time, they took out a bottle of alcohol and offered me some. I would be lying if I said I had never drank before. My father has a very expensive rustic mahogany bar cabinet in his office. It's filled with different kinds of expensive malt whiskey's. It must've been the night of my eighteenth birthday, I snuck in his office and took his brand new collector's bottle of Redemption 36 and drank it straight from the bottle.

I don't really remember if I actually liked the taste or not because I got alcohol poisoning the next day and I had passed out. I guess my body couldn't handle the big amounts of liquor in my bloodstream. It's one of my most fond memories, when I think about it I can smell the mahogany wood and the way the sweet cigar smell penetrated the wood.

Louis gave me about four shots of the bottle of vodka, it was hot and it made my stomach churn. "Jesus fuck, did you store it in the car with the heater on?" Niall says, clearing his throat. "That shit is hot!"

"This is the way a man drinks it, Niall. You are therefore not a man and I will be needing your man card." I laugh as Niall gets up to grab a water bottle for himself from the fridge.

Zayn hadn't been back yet from whatever errand he said he was doing. This was odd, he was usually the one back early and Harry was always late. This made me remember Harry was waiting for me upstairs for whatever reason.

I stood up from the floor earning the guys attention. "Where you going, Tina?" Louis asks, shuffling the poker cards. "Don't tell us you're going to bed."

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