I hold his hand, "we can do this," I hope.

"He is here!" Mrs. Lilly shouts, her head still pocking out of the door.

"Well get your head back in then!? The Prince doesn't need to see your large nose first! Nosy Hag!" Stephenson who barely used foul language was clearly agitated, mostly scared like me and because of me, the grannies on the other hand seemed overly excited.

I tightly grasp his sweaty palm when the click of expensive shoes start to get more closer and closer until a bodyguard in a neat black suit and large black sunglasses stands by the door. I swallow the large lump that had formed in my throat, my sweaty palm adjoined with Stephenson's which was also sweating profoundly.

His eyes, even under those sunglasses were cold as they slowly moved from one person to another, observing each and everyone carefully his face void of any emotions. His lips pull into a tight frown before he nods at us and everyone bows their heads as they wait for the arrival of the Prince.

There was no approaching click and the great silence was killing us, I slightly raise my head up only to see black slip-on shoes standing by the doorway as they waited to be welcomed in.

"There he is," I slightly lean towards Stephenson who nods his head but declines to raise his head up.

"The Prince has arrived!" Everyone raises their heads up as they look towards the man leaning by the door.

I frown, he had no approach of a Prince, his outfit which I expected to be a fitting tailored suit was in fact grey sweatpants and a grey t-shirt which was peeking from underneath the unzipped black jumper. He was completely different from his smart looking brother who always used to wear tailored suits and looked like every interaction was an important meeting but there was no doubt that he was the attractive one. He was a sight.
"He doesn't look like a Prince," Stephenson ignores me and starts walking towards the prince with a forced smile that screamed 'help me!' Then he stops midway, looks my way then motions for me to go with him. My eyes widen and I quickly shake my head no looking towards the Prince who's eyes were hidden under big black sunglasses that seemed to be staring right through me.

It would look disrespectful if I didn't go along with my boss who was so persistent of me escorting him, so I slowly walk over towards Stephenson praying he would go without me, but he waits for me patiently with his hand held out for me to take.

"Dont worry, He doesn't bite," me and him both knew that we feared he actually might.

"What if he does Dumbo!?"

"He is the Prince you Gummy Bear!"

"Exactly! Ex-fudging-actly! That means he can just bite us and get away with it!"

"Smile!" And that was the end of our conversation ended by the near presence of the prince.

"Hello, Im Stephenson!" The Prince slightly nods his head, his lips pursed in a tight line. I was too lost being scared of him that I had forgotten that it was my turn to introduce myself. Well, trust Stephenson to remind you in the best way possible. Stephenson pokes my rib with his elbow making me accidentally yelp then quickly cover it with a cough. I look up at the Prince embarrassment tinting my cheeks and I could swear I saw the tiniest hint of a smile, "and who is this?"

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