Chapter 5 - Archway

Start from the beginning

While his little brother was getting a hold of their employer Leon went around the back of the truck where he found the truck driver unloading crates that were bigger than he was. They were being slid out on a small lift that was built into the truck for the very purpose of unloading, all one had to do was hold a button down and the truck would unload itself. The driver saw Leon approach but like before he was pretending that he wasn't even there and just went about his duty.

"So where do you think everyone is?" Leon asked but only got dead silence in response. "You're a really quiet guy you know that? I doubt you're an android you're moving to smoothly for that so what's the deal?"

The truck driver turned his head to look at Leon but made no reply whatsoever and closed the truck's door before walking back around to where Nick was. Leon made a motion of strangling someone with his hands before he followed the driver around to Nick who'd just hung up with old man Vega. He gave Leon a shrug before saying that his security guy should be around here but he hasn't had word of any of his guys for two hours. That made Leon more curious than anything as he looked around at the all too perfect condition of the camp area around them. If the Vega men had been attacked here then the camp should have been destroyed by the gunfire and whatever else was used. He doubted that it was a demon simply because it also would've destroyed the place, that and the soldiers here should've been using the anti-demon weapons which would've given them quite the advantage. So what was it that happened here, he wondered bringing his hand to his chin as he scanned the place again.

He'd worked with the Vega soldiers before and they wouldn't abandon camp unless something came along and they were forced to retreat, or they were in pursuit of something but Leon didn't find any evidence of either. On top of that they would have left at least five men here just in case something else happened and they needed to defend their supplies which were probably even more weapons. He turned to Nick and told him to get out one of his drones to fly over them and see if there was any sign of the men that vanished from here. The truck driver meanwhile went back to his rig and started shuffling around the cab for something but Leon could care less about what he was grabbing.

Nick had a drone out of his bag and set up in front of them in a matter of seconds. It was a funny looking thing, like a yellow diamond shaped box with a lens in the middle with two propellers on top of it and on the bottom. The top propeller was just like any old propellers, but the bottom set doubled as a small stand so that you could always tell which side was top and which was bottom. When it was fully set up it didn't look any larger than a football and it was almost completely silent when it was going, barely louder than a bumblebee. Nick took a step back and flipped open his PET and got the drone going and within a few second the little thing was already whizzing over head in search of their missing soldiers.

Leon watched the small little drone until it looked like a small black dot before he looked over Nick's shoulder to watch the screen of his PET. The little drone was sending them images of things they already knew were there, broken roads with tall blades of grass growing through them and shells of old world cars. But there was no sign at all of anyone on the streets, not even demons which was extra bizarre since Archway was supposed to be one of the first cities lost to the Savage demons years ago. Leon was about to give up watching and go out in search of the men himself when he saw a thin green line like a laser pointer passed in front of the drone's lenses, Nick was quick to turn it the little thing around to find the source of the laser light. It turned around just enough to catch a glimpse of whoever it was that'd shot at it before the screen when black.

"God dammit!" Nick said flipping his PET closed and looking in the direction that his drone had gone. "I only brought one of those things with me too."

"Well at least we have an idea of where that militia is though." Leon said bringing his fist to his hand and looking in the direction that the drone had headed off in. "Alright Nick you know the drill set up you're little perimeter and tell me if they come back. I'm going hunting."

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