Part 20 - It's us against the world.

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“Today’s the day” Alice whispered in my ear.

“It’s for the best, right?” I asked, only trying to convince myself.

Alice looked at me, frustrated, “Lisa, how many times have we been through this? You and I get teased every living day and you’re still asking me this question? You and I don’t fit into this judgemental world. We don’t belong.”

She was right. There was no-one left to care.

I nudged her, indicating I was going to sit down on the chair near the computer. She nodded and grabbed the mouse, clicking the internet link to open up our Facebook account whilst I went to type in our details.

Email address:

Password: theconjoinedtwins

The page loaded and we went to look at our wall. 38 new posts; must be a record. She scrolled down to read them;

So are you two, one person or two? Because, none of us can tell. You have two heads but only one body. Haha.

 You misfits.

You’ll never achieve anything, not looking like that you won’t.

You two don’t belong in this world. Why don’t you go die?

“Alice, close the page now. I’m sick of reading them.” I said.

“No Lisa, we’re doing one more thing first, our status.” Alice persisted, opening up the status box.

Today’s the day, I started to type, Goodbye losers.

We got up from the chair and bent down to reach the knife. I picked up the only picture we had of our Mum. She’d disowned us as soon as we’d been born. Alice pierced the blade into her face, and heart. Then, we turned to the picture of our Dad, which had gotten passed onto us as we went into care. He’d been given life imprisonment for something that he didn’t even do. Alice or I have never brought ourselves to go and see him, not like Michelle would let us anyway; she thinks he’s some kind of monster. Instead, we’re sending him a letter.

Dad, we just want to say sorry we’ve never visited you in our lifetime. Today is our last day, we can’t cope anymore.

From Alice and Lisa.

And with that, Alice picked up the knife and stabbed our heart. We were gone.

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Call_Me_Chaos's Message:

No matter how hard life’s obstacles are to overcome, don’t let them break you. What Alice and Lisa didn’t realise is that, Michelle, their carer, was going to adopt them soon. Their dad, once he’d read the letter, was broken. He was going to sort out the court case and pull together his fatherly figured self. The cyber bullies on Alice’s and Lisa’s Facebook only teased them because they were insecure themselves. Now they feel responsible. So, don’t forget, happiness sometimes comes through the one door you forgot to leave open.


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