Part 3 - Suicide Woods

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            Alone. I have been alone for a while now. Every time I think of people I want to run and cry. So I prefer to stay alone. I’m somewhat safe when I am alone. I sit down carefully on a log. My bag sits next to me, it holds painful memories and the sooner I destroy it the sooner I can get on with my little ‘mission’. Almost two weeks ago I left my family and flew to Japan. I didn’t hesitate and was glad to leave my parents. They hated me. It was obvious. I came all the way to Japan, to find Aokigahara forest. Also known as suicide woods. Here I would end my life like many others did before me. You might ask why I would do such a thing but it’s pretty easy to explain. Bullying. See I have been bullied since grade six and now in grade ten I am sick and tired of all of it. I can’t stand another hurtful email or note. The thought of it makes me want to die more. So this is why I must do this. I won’t be missed. Nobody cares about me.

            I wipe away a tear and turn my attention to my bag. I close my eyes and un-zip it. I stretch it open and take out the box of photos. Time to get to work. I pull out scissors and start shredding the pictures of those who bullied me. I hope they rot in hell! I start ripping the photos frantically and then stop. The pain builds up inside me and I need to let it out. I pick up the scissors and hold it above my wrist I’ve cut myself before and it’s a great way to let the pain out. I push the scissors into my skin and pull it downward letting blood drip to the ground. Let it all flow out. I sigh and wipe a few more tears.

            I let the blood cover my arm and start tearing photos of me. I then come across a letter. Go kill yourself already Julia Galling. Nobody likes you or cares about you. GO DIE!!! Ha ha ha ha. I start ripping the note and scream out. How can people be like this? I fall onto the ground and cry. My arm hurts but I don’t care I don’t want to live any more.

            I surprisingly feel bad about killing myself because I did nothing with my life. I wish I did something I wish I stood up to my bullies. I slapped myself for thinking that. How can I think like that? I came here for a reason and I will not leave until I do it. I wonder how the afterlife will be? Maybe I can go back and hunt my bullies. I half smile and pull out a long rope. I know how to do this I saw a how to kill yourself video on youtube. Pretty sad isn’t it, people encouraging others to commit suicide. I laugh to myself. I personally hate suicide and feel horrible that I have stooped so low that I am doing it. I finish tying my death rope onto a branch and climb down from the tree. Before I kill myself I write a final message in the log. DON’T KILL YOURSELF. I’ve seen many messages like it and I wanted to add my own. I stand on the log and slip my head into the rope. Finally I will be put out of misery. No more name-calling, teasing, hitting. Nothing. I will finally be at peace. I then step of the log. God forgive me for my sins.


            I open my eyes and find myself in a large white room. “Thank goodness your awake. I was getting worried I thought I found you too late.” A petite Japanese young woman sits beside me. “Why am I still here. Where am I? Am I dead yet?” She shakes her head at me. “I saved you, you’re in a hospital in Japan still.” I start crying. “I don’t want to be here. I want to be dead!” I scream. “No you don’t. I’m Natalie Kazumi. I search the suicide woods for kids and try to save them. I own a large home and home most kids who don’t want to go back to their lives. I care and watch them, and I would love it if you were to come with me as soon as the doctors give you the okay.” I smile reaches my lips. “Thank you. You are the kindest person I have ever met. I can never go back.” More tears fall and Natalie wipes them away for me. “You are not alone Julia. I promise you that you will no longer be bullied. You will live the life you love and love the life you live.” I can only say one thing “bless you Natalie for your kind heart.”

            I am happy and can’t wait to start my new life. I’m not alone anymore. Don’t be a bully, be like Natalie. Stand up to bullying and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. You have the right to live don’t take it away because of a bully. And to those bullies out there, just stop under no circumstances do you have the right to bully! Just stop it!

The end, hardly any endings of bully victims end like this, think before you act.

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Written by

Sabrina S. - bookworm9898

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