Part 4 - Delaware Suicides

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            January of 2012 began like any other January of any other year. Teenagers were hung over from New Year’s Eve parties, little kids happy to be off school, and adults thankful to be off work. No one knew that in three months over a dozen teens would commit suicide – just in Kent Count and Sussex County of Delaware.

            The first of a string of suicides was a senior from Polytech High School. Wednesday, January 11, 2012 marks the day she left this world. She was bullied and made fun of for her appearance and sexual orientation. Indian River High School was struck with tragedy on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2012 when a senior boy committed suicide. He had dropped out of Indian River the year before, but still had many friends attending.

            On Monday, February 13th, a male senior at Polytech committed suicide just days before his team went on to win the Division Two Champ title. Two days later, on Wednesday, February 15th, a junior, also from Polytech and also a wrestler, committed suicide. Both boys had a lot going for them. They had many friends, good grades … no one knew that anything was wrong.

            These were the only four I knew. The others were just whispers, just other names added to the pile. The list of suicides continued to grow. Speculation of a suicide pack sparked, but that rumor was quickly shot down. Over a thousand teens gathered together one day before school to mourn the loss of those who had committed suicide. They sang, they held hands…

            With so many troubles facing young people today we need to be strong. We need to know that one day our tears of pain and screams of frustration will turn into laughter. We need to know that one day the dark stormy cloud stalking us while turn into a cloudless sunny sky. We need to know that no matter who were are there is someone out there who needs us or will need us in the future. We need to know that there are people who are on their death beds begging for one more day, so don’t take your life away.

            You are worth living.

            For those who are reading this, remember that just because someone seems happy doesn’t necessarily mean they are. Don’t forget to tell people you love them, that you care about them. Smile at people passing you on the street. If you like someone’s shirt, tell them even if they are a stranger. Be nice, be friendly, try not to judge, and try not to make fun of others. It’s hard because we as humans have this habit of immediately judging people based on their appearance, but know that people are complex. Sometimes appearances are just a mask. Remember, you can make a difference. You can make a change in this world. Little by little and step by step. Keep marching on, guys.

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