Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18:

Abby's POV

I sit and watch every 16 year old in the city cut themselves. Choosing there lives. When all is done we stand up. "I'm Edward, if your a dauntless member already come with me" he says. All of the dauntless members stand up and follow him. "If your a dauntless transfer come with me, I'm Four" he says. What!? Four!? Tobias!? No way! I can't even look at him. How did he become a dauntless member? Tristen gives me a look. I just follow everyone else and try to pretend that me and Tobias never happened.

We/all of the dauntless transfers follow Tobias. (A/N: Tobias and Four are the same person. Just in case your lost!! KayKay...)

Tristen's POV

I can't believe its Four! He better not mess with Abby after he cheated in her. Why does he have to be a dauntless leader?

Caleb's POV

As I walk with the Erudite leader I feel like I'm not where I belong. It feels weird not being in abnegation. I look at Abby one last time just before I walk out of the building.

Abby's POV

We walk in a small dark tunnel. "Where are we?" Macey asks. "Where going to the dauntless head quarters." Tobias says. "Umm... I'm claustrophobic. How many times do we have to go through this?" Amanda says. "How ever many times you choose." Tobias says. I can't bear hearing his voice so I try to focus on other things. "This is boring" says some guy "What's your name?" I ask him. I don't really care but once again I'm trying not to focus in Tobias. "Why do you want to know, stiff?" He says. "I'm not a stiff!" I say. He just just laughs and says "Whatever".

When we are finally out of the tunnel Tobias says "This is Dauntless head quarters. Where most dauntless people hang out and do work. The most popular place." "Wow! This is awesome! It's so big!" Madyson says. "I know, it's huge" I say back to her. "What your name?" She asks. "I'm Abby" I say. "I'm Madyson but you can call me Mady. It's nice to meet you." Mady says. I smile and we shake hands.

Dauntless head quarters is huge. It's a little dark though. Not much color. There are two levels. The walls are made of rock. On the second level there are no rails. You could easily fall off.

Tristen's POV

This is awesome! I can total see myself here! I kinda want a tattoo now! I wonder what my tattoo would be though?

Amanda's POV

"So your Abby?" I ask her. "Yes I am. Your Amanda right?" Abby asks. "Yes" I answer. "Want to be friends?" She asks. "Sure" I say with a smile.

Abby's POV

Okay so I have some friends at least. Tristen, Mady, and Amanda. I'm glad I do too I don't want to be alone.

Macey's POV

"Hi" I say to Abby. "Hey" she says back. "I like your hair" I say. It's really nothing special. It's just an abnegation bun but what else am I suppose to say? "Umm.. Thanks". She says with a grin. I think me, Abby, Tristen, Amanda, and Mady will be a great group. "Follow me. I will show you where you will stay during training. The dorms." says Four. We all 5 stick together as we walk to our dorms.

(A/N: Long chapter peeps!! Sorry if you don't understand some things. I'm trying my best okay!!? Anyways... Love y'all Byee!!)

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