Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

Abby's POV


(Next Day) I woke up and I kinda felt sick at my stomach. My mom said that I should stay home today, but I can't. I just have more about four. Why is his name four? Is it mean for the number 4?

So now I'm at school, in 1st period which is my Math class. I hate math. I still feel really sick so is hard to focus on what the teacher is saying.

After 4th period when I'm walking I'm the hallway, I see him. I run up to him and tap on his shoulder. He is with some other guys too. "Hey, umm sorry, but can I ask you something?", I ask. "Ugh sure. Your names....... Gabby right?", he asks. "It's Abby", I respond. Can he really not remember the name abby? It's pretty simple to me. "The question?", he says. I totally just forgot what I was doing. I was in like, La La Land or something. "Right.", I say. *fake giggles* "I was wondering... Why is your name four? Is it your real name. A nickname? What does it mean?", I ask. "Oh umm, it's my real name", he says. "Oh okay, ugh thanks", I say. "No problem", he says. I go to 5th period.

In 7th period I feel really sick. Like I'm about to explode. I'm at my desk just sweating. Why me? Why me? I just sit there. It seems like forever.

After class is over I hurry out the door. If I'm gonna be sick, it better not be at school. But as I'm walking out he stops me. Four has his hand up saying "Wait, stop. I have a question too." "Okay, what?", I say. "Would you like to come party tonight?" Four asks. Without thinking I blurt out, "Yes, yes I'll go!!" I know I'm sick but I really like this guy. I need to get to know him more. "Pick you up at 6:00.", he says. I just smile and walk away.

When I get home I feel like I'm about to throw up so I run to the bathroom. I stop. It was a false alarm. As I walk to my room I see all of are family photos on the wall. I see one of my great aunt. She was the best aunt ever. She died last year in a car crash. I miss her.....I miss her a lot.

A/N: Hey peeps so I just wanted to say that in a couple of my first chapters I forgot to put the point of view but all of the first four chapters are from Abby's point of view. I will from now on tell y'all what point if view the chapters from. I'm new so my story might not be great but I'm trying and I'm getting better.

Thanks! Love y'all! Byee (:

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